
Upgrade information

Release Date

V20.0R02 V4.0R03

- 修复导入模块时PCwin被迫关闭的现象。
- 修复了PC1程序和MX程序保存和加载无法正常工作的现象。

- 修复了当主程序和子程序的模块编号相同时,部分子程序从项目视图中消失的现象。
- 修复了为折叠的块行设置块注释时块注释无法正常显示的现象。
- 修正了在联系人属性对话框中以两种或多种注释语言输入地址时装置名和机器符号消失的问题。
- 修复了将 Nano 兼容数据转换为 Nano10GX 时不显示警告消息的现象。
- 修复了使用方向键在块比较屏幕上移动会强制块比较屏幕关闭的现象。
- 修复了复制粘贴模块时模块编号重复的现象。
- 修正了在梯形图编辑屏幕上选择命令时,操作数 1 至 3 的输入字段可能不显示的现象。
- 修复了写入 PC10PE 时发生设备信息内存不足错误时导致无法进行读/写操作的现象。
- 修改为Nano兼容模式下加载数据时删除不必要的标签信息。
*删除结构化标签数据最多可能需要 30 秒。


V20.0R01 V4.0R02




V20.0R01 V4.0R01

・翻译支持功能支持 xlsx 文件的格式。

・以扫描为单位的时序图监控收集已扩展至 6000 次扫描 → 90,000 次扫描。
※使用标签模式时,请从 HP 下载 Ver3.10R01。

・修复了以下事件:在退出并显示 PCwin/PCwin2 的扩展显示器后,仅与主显示器一起使用(扩展显示器已删除)时,PCwin/PCwin2 仍保留在主显示区域之外。
・修正了通过以下跳转功能等在 CPU 监视期间选择 FB 输出侧线圈时,FB 输出标签注释较长时的异常终止问题。

・修复了保存数据时导致出现“网络图和 PCwin 链接参数设置不同”消息的问题,即使网络图和链接参数没有差异。

・修正了 FL-net 链接参数详细设置屏幕的数据链接屏幕上显示标签名称的问题。


V19.13R01 V3.10R01



・修复了位于 P2、P3 上的边缘 P 地址不显示的现象。
 ・修复了删除 SFC 转移时删除梯形图电路后删除转移时导致 PCwin2 强制终止的现象。


V19.12R01 V3.9R01

・事件监视器的上限已从 64KB 扩展到 128KB。
・I/O 图和网络图编辑功能支持 EtherNet/IP。
・EtherNet/IP 连接设置窗口(个别设置)的标题栏已更改。
・EtherNet/IP 导出功能支持 CSV(逗号分隔)格式。
• 在设置IO模块参数现值的执行确认信息中增加了警示说明。
・EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety 连接设置窗口的标题栏的符号已更改。
・Nano10GX 支持纯程序写入。
・支持 Yaskawa Electric 制造的 CPU 单元“MPX1012J”。
・通用通信设置的复选框已添加到以太网(32 端口)链接设置中。
・显示边沿的 P 地址。(自动分配无需编辑)
・当内部 L1、L2 中的 EtherNet/IP 连接设置为 384 时,会显示一条警告消息。
・复制和粘贴子程序时,CALL S 编号设置为相同的编号。
・在Time Chart Monitor的设置画面中,扩展地址输入时的运行速度已被
・修复了时间图监视器可能停止采集的现象(支持多个 PLC)。
・针对时序图监控中包含#的项目(支持多个 PLC),修复注释不反映的现象。
・修复了在 SFC 操作设置屏幕上更改注释并用 [OK] 关闭时 PCwin 被强制终止的现象。
・修正在 RUN 中写入时可能会出现「No SFC is registered」讯息的问题。
・修复了在 I/O 模块设置中执行自动设置(从模块配置图中)时的错误。
・修复了在为 I/O 图导入注释时阻止成功导入注释的问题。
・修复了 uniDraf 中中间文件中模块编号重复的现象。


V19.9R01 V3.6R01


・向 IEC 符号集添加了符号。
107~110:连接器 中心点(母端)
115~118:连接器  中心点(公端)
140~143:连接器・仅引脚  中心点(公端)
144~147:连接器・仅插入 中心点(母端)
259~262:连接器・仅引脚 中心点(公侧母侧中心)
263~266:连接器・仅插入 中心点(公侧母侧中心)
・ 已在 FL-net 设置中解除对节点号 160 至 167 的限制。
・ 改进以允许在出现配置错误时在循环记录器设置中切换选项卡。

・在 PCwin2 中读取循环记录仪设置时,已纠正无设置数据时显示的现象。
・在 I/O 地址批量转换过程中将更改范围设置为“程序 *”和“指定范围”时,会显示更改完成的弹出窗口,但已纠正未执行批量转换的现象。
・- 修复了在批量转换 I/O 地址时,如果转换区域过大,会导致处理过程中显示不适当的错误而中断处理的问题。
・添加模块时,已修改为在 END 和 START 中显示注释。
・修复了在使用条件下防止 P1-D000 跳到线圈的现象。
・FRWR 指令支持索引。
・修正了通过链接主 2 格式的 FB 显示 FB 内部电路时梯形电路正常显示。


V19.9R01 V3.5R01

・向 IEC 符号集添加了符号。

・支持链接参数(DLNK MASTER)的导出/导入。
・加快了联系变更I/O地址变更的处理。(处理速度提高了 90% 或更多)。

・固定为在没有 PEND 指令时停止转换。


V19.8R02 V3.4R01


・支持寄存器 I/O 地址监视器的二进制显示/编辑。
・支持新的 MP 模块 (MP-31J)。
・支持 I/O 模块转换。

・修复了保存项目数据时数据路径过长导致 PCwin2 掉线的问题。


V19.8R02 V3.3R01


・支持 PCwin 链接参数“EtherNet/IP”的转换。
※根据 PCwin2 操作手册(T-A65)中“5.8. 转换项目”中描述的参数转换规则设置支架号插槽号。

・修复了导致在 STT 文件中注册不必要的设备模块的问题。
・修复了导致 PCwin 链接参数“Plus EtherNet/IP”无法正常转换的问题。


V19.8R01 V3.2R01





V19.7R01 V3.1R01

关于负载率,请参照 TOYOPUC-Nano (t-1000) 或 TOYOPUC-Nano 10GX (t-1020) 使用说明书中的
“9.10.3 I/O 通信功能”。


V19.7R01 V3.0R01

PC10G-CPU V391
PC10P-DP V150
Plus CPU V311



V19.6R04 V2.9R01

・在链接模块“EtherNet/IP”和“EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety”的链接参数设置中,如果在编辑列表设置时复制了一个空行,则设置为默认值。
・当USB存储器未连接到Nano10GX时,循环记录器的状态监控器功能显示“没有安装USB记忆棒” 。

・解决了在编辑特定FB的块行时显示“该块由系统写入,因此无法进行编辑。” 。
・解决了Unidraft输出的地址位数与PCwin Unidraft输出的地址位数不同的问题。
・在Cycle Monitor Editor,解决了“采集数据-采集方式”无法编辑的问题。


V19.6R03 V2.8R01


当读取Unidraf的中间文件时,CPU操作模式被设置为Nano 10GX模式(固定)。
可以在打开项目的CPU操作模式兼容或Nano 10GX模式下为Unidraf导出中间文件。

・解决了在网络图中读取EtherCAT ENI文件时,无法读取减小的符号大小的问题。


V19.6R02 V2.7R01

・解决了在 CycViewer 中执行打印时可能无法打印图形等的问题。


・解决了在 CycViewer 中执行打印时可能无法打印图形等的问题。
注意3Mbytes以上的ENI文件只能在Nano 10GX内置的L1端口上使用,ENI文件的最大大小为4Mbytes。


V19.6R01 V2.6R01

在AF1-ML和Plus AF1-ML版本2.40或更高版本中可用。


・我们现在支持Nano AM3。


V19.5R02 V2.5R03



・修复了阻止PCwin2导入PCwin中导出的EtherNet / IP链接模块的列表设置的问题。
・修复了一个问题,该问题导致无法在Nano 10GX操作模式下为项目导入SFC程序。


V19.5R02 V2.5R02

・修复了导致设备情报存储器 [CPU]上的可用空间显示不正确的问题。
・解决了以下问题:当将EtherNet / IP的链接参数设置为多个链接号时,如果更正了一个链接号的EtherNet / IP的链接参数,则另一链接号的EtherNet / IP链接参数的内容链接号可能会更改。
・在中文视图中,我们解决了显示“ FL-net(32KB)”的问题,其中IO模块设置的IO模块名称应显示为“ FL-net(32KB),EtherNet / IP”。

・在功能帮助中搜索和手动跳转已应用命令“ BBCP”(仅支持Nano 10GX)。

・修复了以下问题:如果地址包含“ C”,则设置的注释可能不会显示。


V19.4R02 V2.4R02


・添加了对I/O图功能中模块结构图的Nano 模的支持。
・通讯监控器功能现在支持链接的模“ EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety”。
・在链接模“ EtherNet/IP”和“ EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety”的链接参数设置中,即使将连接设置设置为“不”,也可以进行详细设置。
・在链接模“ EtherNet/IP”和“ EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety”的链接参数设置中,将“ 连接设定输出区域地址”添加到选项设置项。
目标模:Nano 10GX(Ver2.4或更高版本),Nano 2ET(Ver2.3或更高版本)



V19.4R01 V2.4R01

・添加了有关EtherNet / IP错误85,86的详细错误信息的显示。

・在Cycle Monitor Editor Ver.3.0中,当读取Ver.2.2或更早版本的数据时,纠正了地址设置屏幕上未显示注释的现象。

・首次启动PCwin2的默认操作模式已更改为“ Nano 10GX”。

・修复了导致PCwin2在与PLC通讯期间被强制终止的现象,即使PCwin2 再次启动也可能阻止与PLC通讯。
・修复了读取CPU时导致显示“ CPU工作模式不同。”消息的现象。


V19.3R01 V2.3R01

- 网络监视器现在支持Nano 10GX。
- 在时间表监视器(多种PLC支持)中,添加了十六进制显示。
- 为时间表监控器添加了以下支持(多种PLC支持)。
- 使用情况显示固定为16行。
- 项目窗口,梯形图窗口等的窗口大小已优化。
- 解决了在子例程程序的[LABEL]指令操作数中设置从S21开始的数字时,无法添加模块的问题。

- 支持优化序列注释(仅ADDRESS)。
- 现在支持显示EtherNet/IP错误85和86的错误详细信息。
- 使用情况显示固定为16行。
- 项目窗口,梯形图窗口等的窗口大小已优化。
- 修复了阻止联系人表在I/O图中显示分配给输入符号的地址的问题。
- 修复了导致页面馈送工具栏无法在I/O图表中显示的问题。
- 修复了当发生未定义的库错误时,阻止从显示错误的输出窗口跳转到相应的FB的问题。
- 修复了导致错误消息“模块数超过129。请将其设置为129以下”的问题。由于不相关的原因而发生。
- 修复在读取无逗号注释文件时在内部添加逗号的问题。
- 修复了一个耗时的事件,该事件导致在同一设备上频繁使用ADDRESS时出现同一设备的联系人表。
- 修复了导致[设备名称]在梯形图属性屏幕上输入七个以上字符的问题。
- 修复了导致[设备代码]在梯形图属性屏幕上输入10个以上字符的问题。


V19.2R01 V2.2R01

[ PCwin ]
- 支持以太网IP通信的配置数据。
- 支持从EtherNetIP通信设定上的EDS文件读取RPI和SIZE参数。

[ PCwin2 ]
- 缩短了从写入Nano 10 GX模式的CPU读取所需的时间。
- 缩短了批量转换所需的时间。


V19.1R01 V2.1R01

[ PCwin ]
・纠正了将通过JIC / TMS符号创建的I/O图更改为具有I/O图功能的IEC符号时,公母连接器符号颠倒的现象。

[ PCwin2 ]
如果您使用的是 TOYOPUC-Nano 10GX,請使用 PCwin2 Ver.2.1R01 或更高版本。


V19.0R01 V2.0R02

[ PCwin2 ]


V19.0R01 V2.0R01

[ PCwin ]


[ PCwin2 ]
・TOYOPUC-Nano Safety对应



V18.4R04 V1.8R05

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
- Revised IO diagram symbol of IEC standard.
- Changed the display order of the event monitor parameter icons in the project window from name order to number order.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that multiple PCwins in the same PC cannot read the CPU at the same time.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quit when copying and pasting a circuit containing the following Function instruction with a constant of 9 digits or more.
(D=D, D<>D, D>=D, D>D, D<=D, D<D, DMOVR)
- Fixed the error that a value greater than 99 cannot be entered in the timer / counter property screen for operation mode PC1 in the Windows 10 environment.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the menu is enabled in the operation mode (PC2 mode) that does not support offline monitoring.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
- Changed the display order of the event monitor parameter icons in the project window from name order to number order.
- Improved the writing time when writing a project.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that multiple PCwins in the same PC cannot read the CPU at the same time.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quit when copying and pasting a circuit containing the following Function instruction with a constant of 9 digits or more.
(D=D, D<>D, D>=D, D>D, D<=D, D<D, DMOVR)
- Fixed the phenomenon that the event monitor cannot be read even if [CPU]-[Read from CPU]-[Event Monitor Setting] is performed after connecting PC10PE.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the transition block with the Delete comment on the LD circuit is not automatically deleted when [Conversion]-[SFC Conversion (Build)] is performed.


V18.4R02 V1.8R04

Function improvement
- Modified the error message displayed when starting "Edit IO and Network Drawing".
(Add driver installation guide)

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that the address becomes reference to other area when copying and pasting the edge in editing of the FB library under the following conditions..
Program capacity of FB library : PC10 Master 180 [KW]
- Fixed the phenomenon that the index serial number is duplicated when copying and pasting the Contact type application instruction using index.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the coil cross reference is not printed when printing the schematic under the following conditions.
CPU Mode:PC10、PC10 Extension、Plus Standard、Plus Extension
Device :X/Y、EX/EY、GX/GY

Function improvement
- Modified the error message displayed when starting "Edit IO and Network Drawing".
(Add driver installation guide)
- The conversion menu of PCwin project is always enabled.
- Made it possible to acquire CPU log information by "Backup" of CPU.
- Improved CPU write time. (The effect varies depending on the conditions such as PC performance and project size.)

Corrections of the following bugs
-When converting PCwin project, the conversion process was modified to include the transition circuit in the SFC module.


V18.3R02 V1.8R03

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that did not complete correctly in Network Monitor when loading a project during backup.
- Fixed the phenomenon that data type is registered as TIMER / COUNTER when "C" is input to the address of EB and U in the watch list screen (example: U00C0 etc.).

Function improvement
- The time required for ladder conversion has been reduced.
(The effect varies depending on the size of the ladder program and the amount of change.)

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that the comment of the unused address on the circuit disappears when converting project data from PCwin to PCwin2.


V18.3R01 V1.8R02

 Function improvement
- Added the export function of device-specific comparison result to the block comparison function.
- Added import/export function with CSV file to time chart monitor function.
- The translation support function (Japanese version only)supports Windows 7/10 64bit.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that SFC does not operate if a specific address is set to the step diagnosis setting value and step elapsed time in the SFC circuit.
- Fixed the phenomenon that comments are not reflected correctly in comment editing when [Option]-[Enter address followed by a comment] is checked.
- Fixed the phenomenon that an error is displayed when kanji is inserted in operand 1 and operand 2 of application instruction JIS in PC10 standard mode and "Apply" is clicked.
- Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin being forcibly shut-down when copying and pasting a circuit containing a JIS instruction.

 Function improvement
- The translation support function (Japanese version only)supports Windows 7/10 64bit.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that SFC does not operate if a specific address is set to the step diagnosis setting value and step elapsed time in the SFC circuit.


V18.2R01 V1.8R01

Function improvement
- A communication retry function has been added at Reset/Start in layered communications.
- Reviewed the procedure of system write function and added the write condition.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin is forced shut-down when performing batch change of I/O address on Windows 10.

Function improvement
- A communication retry function has been added at Reset/Start in layered communications.
- The EDS file import function has been added to EtherNet/IP settings.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that a line break is not made when printing "Print"-"Comment list".
- Fixed the phenomenon that the bookmark disappears when the coil can not be found by the search to "coil position" during monitoring.


V18.1R07 V1.7R06

Function improvement
・Improvement so that different number can be set for backup port of network monitor.

Corrections of the following bugs
・Fixed the phenomenon that module name can not be saved when saving data using "S" or "AC" as the initial letter of module name.
・Fixed the phenomenon in which all circuits that were after the END instruction after the addition of PEND disappeared after checking the "Add PEND" of the LD program check in the project without the specific mode*1 PEND.
*1:PC10 mode, PC10 Extension mode, Plus Standard mode, Plus Extension mode
・Fixed the phenomenon that when importing a project file with library into program 3, it caused an error.
・The content of Plus was added to the message of error code 47 of error monitor.

Function improvement
・Module import function added.
・LD program import function added.


V18.1R06 V1.7R05

When copying and pasting the target function in a specific operation mode, the phenomenon that the pasting function becomes UNDEF (can not paste normally) or PCwin is forcibly terminated has been corrected.
This phenomenon occurs only with PCwin Ver. 18.1 R 05.

Note) Behavior changes depending on the memory state of the PC when PCwin is executing.

*1 <Operation mode>
 PC10
 PC10 extension
 Plus standard
 Plus extension

*2 <Target function>

There is no change.


V18.1R05 V1.7R05

1. Fixed the phenomenon that the offline monitor and the CPU monitor terminated when closing the FB internal monitor.
2. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin is forcibly terminated when copying and pasting FB having the constant / variable input in the first column in PC 10 mode.
3. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin is forcibly terminated when copying and pasting a step in which completion memory was set by SFC.

1. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin2 is forcibly terminated when reading from CPU when tag is not registered in program 3.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that address of pasted Ladder disappears when copying and pasting a Ladder displayed outside the module.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that address of part of circuit disappears when importing SFC program.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that projects saved by all backup of DM cannot be opened when individual program writing and project writing.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that when parameter binary is compared, EtherNet / IP parameters of PCwin2 are rewritten to PLC data.


V18.1R04 V1.7R04


Function improvement:

1. The I/O drawing page designation tool bar was revised to be placed in the margin part of the first line.

Corrections of the following bugs:

1. Fixed the phenomenon that action program names are not displayed in the tree view when creating another action program in the action program.

2. When creating an SFC module, we have abolished the transition module.

3. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin2 tool bars are vertically aligned when updating the I/O drawing.

4. Fixed the phenomenon that redisplays the module configuration list window when switching pages of the I/O drawing.


V18.1R04 V1.7R03

Function improvement:
1. An import function of Screen Helper Fault Comment Files has been added.
2. An I/O diagram network symbol (PC3JX/PC3JX-D) has been added.
3. The link parameter setup detail screen of Ethernet/IP, Plus Ethernet/IP has been revised.
・An address scope display has been added.
・An output function for duplicate address lists has been added.
Corrections of the following bugs:
1. The issue of PCwin being forcibly shut-down when a subroutine was copied into Program 3 of Separate 1 has been corrected.
2. The issue of the comments not changing in the tree view when the language was changed from the tool bar has been corrected.
3. The issue of the normal value not being displayed on the offline monitor has been corrected.
4. The issue of the EtherCAT slave icon not being displayed has been corrected.
5. The issue of the address display scope not being able to be operated with the cursor on the register / I/O monitor has been corrected.
<Watch monitor>
1. The issue of being unable to monitor when setting either GX/GY, GM, EB, GZ, GS, GF or U has been corrected.
2. The issue of only symbols being displayed on the LD when jumping to a coil has been corrected.
3. The issue of the expanded address comment not being displayed has been corrected.
1. The issue of the sentinel not being recognized the in Windows 10 environment has been corrected.

Function improvement:
1. A compatible mode has been added to the default CPU mode.
Corrections of the following bugs:
1. A correction has been made to enable copy & paste of LDs and modules between multiple PCwin2 systems.
2. There was an issue of the cursor on the ladder window not operating simultaneously with that of the project window. This has been corrected.
3. The issue of the background color not disappearing when jumping to a program has been corrected.
4. The issue of the maximized ladder window being reduced after converting or saving has been corrected.
5. The issue of the position of the project window (tree) cursor moving when saving or writing is performed has been corrected.
6. A correction has been made to display the EtherCAT slave icon.
7. There was an issue of the SYS command comment not being updated when changing the master library and opening a project. This has been corrected.
8. The issue of not returning to the original contact even when performing a chase search during monitoring has been corrected.
9. The issue of the bookmark disappearing during monitoring has been corrected.
10. The issue of the scroll bar disappearing in the project view has been corrected.
11. The issue of an error being displayed when changing the master library has been corrected.
12. The issue of PCwin dropping out occasionally when an SFC module was deleted has been corrected.
<Write to CPU>
1. The issue with the project name changing when writing to CPU has been corrected.
2. There was an issue of comments not being written when performing individual writing operations consecutively. This has been corrected.
1. The issue of the sentinel not being recognized the in Windows 10 environment has been corrected.


V18.1R02 V1.7R01

Corrections of the following bugs:

Fixed a phenomenon in PCwin 2 before Ver.1.6R02 that data written to CPU could not be read from CPU at Ver.1.6R03.

Customers installing PCwin2 Ver.1.6R03 should upgrade to version 1.7R01.


V18.1R02 V1.6R02

Function improvement:
1. It corresponds to the network monitor function.
2. It corresponds to the watch monitor function.
3. Improvement of program division function (subroutine, label visualization).
4. It corresponds to the offline monitor function.

1. The conversion function from PCwin to PCwin2 supports MM3.

Corrections of the following bugs:

1. Fixed the effective range of "Unconnected detecting Enable" check box on IO diagram edit symbol data input screen.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that feed rate value can only be entered by one digit on the pulse output detail setting screen.

1. Fixed the phenomenon that pasting results become only symbols when pasting a circuit on a submodule.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that comments disappear when jumping from the step screen of SFC to a contact of a EK device.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that the variable names rarely disappear when performing ladder conversion after inputting the variable name to the symbol.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that forced ON/OFF can’t rarely be done.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that the focus rarely jumps to an incorrect position with the function to jump to "coil position".



There is no change.


V17.8R01 V1.6R02

There is no change.

Function improvement:
1. The conversion function from PCwin to PCwin2 supports MM3.

Corrections of the following bugs:
1. Fixed the phenomenon that pasting results become only symbols when pasting a circuit on a submodule.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that comments disappear when jumping from the step screen of SFC to a contact of a EK device.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that the variable names rarely disappear when performing ladder conversion after inputting the variable name to the symbol.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that forced ON/OFF can’t rarely be done.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that the focus rarely jumps to an incorrect position with the function to jump to "coil position".



Function improvement:
1. It supports Windows 10. (Windws2000/XP/Vista/7 → Windows7/10)
2. Unidraf 4, Unidraf SFC's write / read function is nullified.
3. It supports to PROFINET.
4. Changed to permit output address overlap of EtherNet / IP.

Corrections of the following bugs:
1. Fixed the phenomenon that the beginning of the circuit is displayed when copying & pasting the ladder.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when block checking is done.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when opening the contact table.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when I/O address collective change setting is done.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when repeating drag & drop on SFC process screen.


V17.8R01 V1.6R01

Function improvement:
1. It corresponds to Ethernet/IP setting support function.
2. It corresponds to NanoMM3 module(PC10G MCML equivalent).
(Release of module: scheduled for April 2018)
3. It corresponds to 10BS slot base for TOYOPUC-Nano. (Release of module: scheduled for April 2018)
4. It is now possible to display the communication interval for Ethernet/IP.
5. It corresponded to the high speed of Ladder circuit copy & paste.

Corrections of the following bugs:

1. Fixed a phenomenon in which the comment of the address set in the first operand of the index instruction is not displayed.
2. Fixed a phenomenon in which the OR_STR command was not displayed correctly when converting.
3. Fixed a phenomenon in which In Plus Expansion & PC 10 mode, when converting a circuit using address X only at contacts, the operand address X of the function instruction is displayed as Y.
4. Fixed the message to be displayed when converting addresses at once.
5. Fixed the message to be displayed when changing the value from the individual setting by EtherNetIP link parameter setting.



It is the same version as Japanese version PCwin Ver.17.8R01.

Function improvement:

1. Fixed the file open time and ladder conversion time to be shortened.
2. PC3JX has been supported.
3. Plus BUS-EX has been supported.
4. EtherCAT link parameters has been supported.
5. I/O328G parameters has been supported.
6. Added printing function to the block comparison function
7. EF10 has been supported.
8. EtherNet / IP now supports general-purpose TCP.
(There are restrictions on the version, and the port at PLC.)

Note) It is PCwin only installer, PCwin 2 is not included.


V17.7R1 V1.5R04

Function improvement:
· Fixed the file open time and ladder conversion time to be shortened.


V17.7R1 V1.5R03

Function improvement:

· The output modules O - 2A and O - 2 B can be selected according to the setting of the I / O module.


V17.7R1 V1.5R02

Function improvement:
・In the register · I / O address monitor screen, information on the selected CPU is displayed next time that register · I / O monitor screen is activated.
・OPC-UA can be selected from link parameters.
・By writing in RUN, the write confirmation screen is displayed before program check.

Corrections of the following bugs:
・in which "untagged" error is displayed when executing program conversion with single precision instruction function on circuit, has been corrected.


V17.7R1 V1.4R02

PCwin :V17.7R01


V17.7R1 V1.4R01

Addition of the functions:
・Add symbol(No.290,291)
Corrections of the following bugs:
・The phenomenon, device symbol , equipment name and address comment were indicated different data ,has been corrected.
Conditions :When property screen is opened in many times.

Function improvement:
・If you are using ,please use PCwin2 Ver.1.4R01 or later.
・Processing time to begin to put FB execution memory territory in order was reduced.
・It corresponed to Nano(Version2.00~)
・Error property wasn’t front indication when no error/waring at circuit transformation.
・It brock check function, changed the logic from module number to module name.


V17.4R1 V1.3R1

PCwin :V17.4R1


V17.4R1 V1.2R13

Addition of the functions:

- The comment on the ladder property screen can be edited in three languages simultaneously.
- Device names and label symbols of the first language on the ladder property screen can now be common to other languages.
- It supports universal TCP in EtherNet / IP.
(* Target operation mode: PC10 mode, Plus standard / extended mode)

Corrections of the following bugs:

■Target operation mode: PC 10 compatible mode, Nano mode
- Fixed the phenomenon that EIP setting file (.pe 2) is converted to BUS-EX setting file (. Pex) when backing up and saving data from CPU in Ver.1.2R10, Ver.1.2R11.
- Fixed the phenomenon that module comment was not displayed in block compare program.
- Fixed the phenomenon that errors rarely occur when an ST program edited offline is written to the CPU.

Function improvement:

- Improved the link parameter setting so that the details of setting is retained when the slot No. of the link parameter is changed.


V17.3R3 V1.2R11

PCwin PCwin2(JPN/ENG)V17.3R03 V1.2R11


V17.3R3 V1.2R10

PCwin PCwin2(JPN/ENG)V17.3R03 V1.2R10


V17.3R3 V1.2R9

Corrections of the following bugs:
■Target CPU operation mode: Nano mode
・The phenomenon, files in drive C may be lost when edited data is saved, has been corrected.
Conditions : When Function Block is used and conversion error occurs in CPU 2 or CPU 3.


V17.3R3 V1.2R8



V17.3R3 V1.2R5



V17.3R3 V1.2R4

Function improvements:

・CPU mode of event monitor is also changed to compatible mode when PCwin data is converted.
・We added Packet alive Time (UDP multicast) setting to EtherNet / IP link parameter.
・The write time of the circuit was shortened.

Corrections of the following bugs:
・Fixed a phenomenon in which project view was not displayed correctly when trying to open PCwin2 data without terminating PCwin2 after incorrectly opening PCwin data on PCwin2.

・Fixed a phenomenon in which only window title may be displayed in ladder view display when opening data with PCwin2.

・Fixed a phenomenon that the cursor on the ladder view moves to the beginning of the circuit after writing the circuit.

・Fixed a phenomenon that the function serial number may be duplicated when PCwin data with FB is converted.

・Fixed a phenomenon that MAJOR ERROR (Error code “23”) occurred when writing project data created with PCwin2 version older than V1.2R03 to CPU at V1.2R03.

・Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin2 freezes when saving circuit using FB free library in Nano mode.


V17.3R3 V1.2R3




