Version |
Upgrade information |
Release Date |
Ver.2.2 Rev.08 |
***** PCwin-Safe2 *****
Upgrade from V2.2R07 to V2.2R08
- Upgrade "PCwin- Safe-Nano" from V1.5R01 to V1.5R02
[Specification Change]
- Change the default setting of error category of I/O parameter from "Alarm" to "Minor Error" in "Convert Program" function.
[Bug Modification]
- Modify the problem that application terminates unexpectedly in "Convert Program" function.
- Modify the problem that PCwin-Safe-Nano terminates unexpectedly importing the ladder program generated by "Safety PLC CAD I/F" function.
***** PCwin-Safe-Nano *****
Upgrade from V1.5R01 to V1.5R02
[Function improvement]
- Change that the selected CPU operation mode is displayed on the "Select CPU Mode" window when creating the new project.
- Support the function that it displays the comment of selected symbol on the status bar.
- Change that FB version collation is also executed when project is saved and program size check is executed.
- Change that it can save the project changes by pressing "X" button of PCwin-Safe-Nano.
[Operability improvement]
- Support the function that save and reproduce the previous display position in "Edit Comment" and "Register+I/O Address Monitor".
- Change the default display position as follows in "Edit Comment" and "Register+I/O Address Monitor".
- Change that ladder window is not closed when saving project.
- Change that the text in the address field is all selected when the property window is opened to edit coil in the ladder window.
[Maintenability improvement]
- Modify the error message displayed in case of using the addresses from T/C000 to T/C00F in ladder circuit when using FB.
- Modify the SCID update request message displayed when changing the connection setting for CIP Safety.
- Modify the error message displayed when FB block is placed before the START instruction.
- Modify to display link address and link size on the CIP Safety connection setting screen in "Remote IO mode" and "PCS compatible mode(RMT)"
[Specification Change]
- Change the default setting of error category in I/O parameter setting from "Alarm" to "Minor Error".
[Bug modification]
- Modify the problem that it cannot be apply the setting change if the setting of "Wiring Method" is changed from "Single" to "Double".
- Modify the problem that PCwin-Safe-Nano terminates unexpectedly when it imports the ladder program generated by generated by "Safety PLC CAD I/F" function of PCwin-Safe2.
- Modify the problem that some FBs is imported empty when importing FB for PCS.
- Modify the problem that PCwin-Safe-Nano terminated unexpectedly when saving the project that caused program time over.
- Modify the problem that the tag of selected symbol cannot be displayed at "Tag Diaglam" field in "Search" window.
- Modify the problem that "Change" button is cannot be pressed in I/O parameter setting.
There is no upgrading of PCwin-Safe, PCwin-Safe-J and PCwin-Safe-Plus.
The versions of each programming tool are as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : V2.2R08
- PCwin-Safe : V3.2R01
- PCwin-Safe-J : V1.6R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : V1.3R03
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : V1.5R02 |
Ver2.2 Rev06(Additional Info) |
***** PCwin-Safe2 *****
PCwin-Safe2 supports Windows11 in V2.2R06
The following programming tools included in PCwin-Safe2 also support Windows11.
- PCwin-Safe
- PCwin-Safe-J
- PCwin-Safe-Plus
- PCwin-Safe-Nano
The version of each programming tools is as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : V2.2R06
- PCwin-Safe : V3.2R01
- PCwin-Safe-J : V1.6R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : V1.3R03
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : V1.4R02 |
Ver.2.2 Rev.06 |
***** PCwin-Safe2 *****
Upgrade from V2.2R04 to V2.2R06
- Upgrade "PCwin-Safe-Nano" from V1.3R01 to V1.4R02
***** PCwin-Safe-Nano *****
Upgrade from V1.3R01 to V1.4R02
[Add function]
- Support the function which displays the input/output data of remote station in the format "(station number)+I/Q***"
- Support the function which displays the input/output data whose setting is double for double in remote station as "duplex contact" or "duplex coil".
Note: It is necessary to import IO module setting and IO parameter setting in advance to use the above two functions.
[Function improvement]
- Change storage location of switching setting between "GX/GY***"display and "GI/GQ***, GA/GB***"display as follow.
(Before change) Save in the setting file of PCwin-Safe-Nano.
(After change) Save as parameter of Nano Safety, Nano Safety RS00IP/RS01IP.
Please note that this change will cause PSV values to change when project data created with PCwin-Safe-Nano before V1.3R01 is saved again with PCwin-Safe-Nano after V1.4R02.
- Change the error message displayed that write operation fails.
- Improve error message displayed when connection establishment fails in CIP Safety communication.
[Operability improvement]
- Change so that the "Upload completed" message is not displayed after reading date and time information from Nano Safety ,Nano Safety RS00IP/RS01IP.
- Change the message displayed when shifting to maintenance mode.
- Change to check if CPU access right have been acquired immediately after selecting "Write Data" menu.
[Bug modification]
- Modify the problem that same message box is displayed again when the message box displayed if the search target is not be found with search function of data on ladder circuit is closed by pressing "Enter" key.
- Modify the problem that the address in lower row of OR circuit composed of multiple "GY***" coils change from "GY***" to "GX***" when saving.
There is no upgrading of PCwin-Safe, PCwin-Safe-J and PCwin-Safe-Plus.
The versions of each programming tool are as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : V2.2R06
- PCwin-Safe : V3.2R01
- PCwin-Safe-J : V1.6R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : V1.3R03
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : V1.4R02 |
Ver2.2 Rev04 |
***** PCwin-Safe2 *****
Upgrade from Ver2.2 Rev03 to Ver2.2 Rev04
Modify the following problem regarding "Design Support Function: Convert File (Unidraf <-> Safety PLC)" function of PCwin-Safe2.
(Conversion from "Project File of Safety PLC" to "Temporary File of Unidraf")
- Modify the problem that T-device is turned into C-device when converting to "Temporary File of Unidraf".
- Modify the problem that I-device is turned into Q-device and Q-device is turned into I-device when converting to "Temporary File of Unidraf".
- Modify the problem that PS/PN prefixes is turned into P1/P2 respectively when converting to "Temporary File of Unidraf", if the device with PS/PN prefix is set to operand of application instruction.
(Conversion from "Temporary File of Unidraf" to "LD program for import of Nano Safety")
- Modify the problem that conversion error occurs when converting from "Temporary File of Unidraf" to "LD program for import of Nano Safety", if GX/GY device is used in the LD program.
- Modify the problem that FB Library for PCS-J and FB Library for Plus Safety cannot be selected when converting from "Temporary File of Unidraf" to "LD program for import of Nano Safety".
- Modify the problem that translator error occurs when saving the project data after importing the "LD program for import of Nano Safety" converted from "Temporary File of Unidraf" with PCwin-Safe-Nano.
- Modify the problem that "PN/P2" option cannot be selected at "The import origin program No." setting when importing the "LD program for import of Nano Safety" converted from "Temporary File of Unidraf" with PCwin-Safe-Nano.
There is no version upgrading of PCwin-Safe, PCwin-Safe-J, PCwin-Safe-Plus, PCwin-Safe-Nano.
The versions of each programming tool are as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : Ver2.2 Rev04
- PCwin-Safe : Ver3.2 Rev01
- PCwin-Safe-J : Ver1.6 Rev02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : Ver1.3 Rev03
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : Ver1.3 Rev01 |
Ver2.2 Rev03 |
***** PCwin-Safe2 *****
Upgrade from Ver2.2 Rev02 to Ver2.2 Rev03
- Modify the problem that standard menu is not registered at “Programming tool”, “Design support” and “Maintenance support” in case of PCwin-Safe2(V2.2R02) is installed in the computer on which PCwin-Safe2 has never been installed before.
- PCwin-Safe-Nano: Upgrade from V1.2R02 to V1.3R01
***** PCwin-Safe-Nano *****
Upgrade from Ver1.2 Rev02 to Ver1.3 Rev01
- Change the description on the title bar of setting dialog (individual setting) for EtherNet/IP and CIP Safety.The string “No.” is added in front of the connection number as shown below.
[Before] (Ex) Connection 0 Setup => [After] (Ex) Connection No.0 Setup
- Change the description on the title bar of connection setting dialog for EtherNet/IP and CIP Safety as follows.
EtherNet/IP : [Before] EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety => [After] Connection Setting (EtherNet/IP)
CIP Safety : [Before] EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety => [After] Connection Setting (CIP Safety)
- Change the format of file which is outputted by export function of EtherNet/IP connection setting from CSV format (Comma-separated) to TSV format (Tab-separated).
There is no version upgrading of PCwin-Safe, PCwin-Safe-J, PCwin-Safe-Plus.
The versions of each programming tool are as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : Ver2.2 Rev03
- PCwin-Safe : Ver3.2 Rev01
- PCwin-Safe-J : Ver1.6 Rev02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : Ver1.3 Rev03
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : Ver1.3 Rev01 |
Ver.2.2 Rev.01 |
***** PCwin-Safe2 *****
Upgrade from V2.1R02 to V2.2R01.
<Function Addition>
- Add time chart function for Plus Safety.
- Add program conversion function from PCS to Nano Safety.
- Add file convert function (Unidraf <-> Nano Safety program).
***** PCwin-Safe-Plus *****
Upgrade from V1.3R01 to V1.3R02.
<Function improvement>
- Set the default shortcut key for “Search” function to “ctrl + F.”
<Bug modification>
- Modify the problem that error “Library data is broken” occurs when opening the program backed up by DM.
- Modify the problem that PCwin-Safe-Plus terminate abnormally when inputting the character that exceeds specified number of characters at address input field.
- Modify the problem that the result of FB version comparation is not displayed.
- Modify the problem import/export process of IO registers does not complete normally.
- Modify the problem the comparation result is mismatched despite the same data.
***** PCwin-Safe-Nano *****
Upgrade from V1.1R01 to V1.2R01.
<Function Addition>
- Add new CPU operation mode.
- Add the setting item “Automatic reset of the target device” and “PN-V80 system reset operation” to option setting of CIP Safety.
- Support network setting function of other manufacturer’s CIP Safety device.
- Support the function to read the EDS file of CIP Safety.
- Support the function to convert GX/GY address to GI/GQ, GA/GB address by option setting.
<Bug modification>
- Modify the problem that the error “No-mounted module address is used.” occurs if GYB000 – GY B3FF address is used as coil on PN ladder in ladder program check.
- Modify the problem that error “The FB Certified Code differs” is displayed when saving after adding new Function Block.
- Modify the problem that error “Library data is broken” occurs when opening the program backed up by DM.
There is no upgrading of "PCwin-Safe" and "PCwin-Safe-J".
The versions of each programming tool are as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : V2.2R01
- PCwin-Safe : V3.2R01
- PCwin-Safe-J : V1.6R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : V1.3R02
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : V1.2R01 |
Ver.2.1 Rev.02 |
Upgrade from V2.1R01 to V2.1R02.
<Bug Modification>
1. Fixed the problem that PCwin-Safe2 terminated improperly in “Convert program” of “Design Support”
2. Fixed the problem that the wrong IO module name was displayed in the TOYOPUC-Plus Safety module information
when TOYOPUC-Plus Safety was selected as the converted project file in “Convert program” of “Design support”.
3. Reviewed the error messages of TOYOPUC-Plus Safety displayed in the error monitor.
Upgrade from V1.0R01 to V1.1R01.
<Bug Modification>
1. Fixed a problem where addresses: EL 400 to BFF could not be specified as coils when SN-I/F communication was used with a slave (RS0xIP).
2. Fixed the problem that the data of O->T state at falult8 was output outputs to O->T state at fault1 when exporting the EtherNet/IP list settings.
<Function addition>
1. Adding the detail error information to error message of “Link communication error” (Err. 86).
2. Changing the following items regarding the connection setting of EtherNet/IP and CIP Safety.
- Adding the setting item “Remote IO type” in the individual setting of connection.
- Adding the setting item “Address of output area of connection setup” in the Basic setting.
- Supporting the function that it can edit the connection setting even when setting “Setup” to “Do not”.
3. Changing the following items regarding the connection setting of CIP Safety.
- Adding the setting item “Allocation of network ID” and “Path method” in the Detail setting.
4. Light curtain input can now be selected in the input method of IO parameter setting for IO-1600SE and IO-0806S.
Customers who use the light curtain box in TOYOPUC-PCS-J can migrate to TOYOPUC-Nano Safety without changing the wiring.
There is no upgrading of "PCwin-Safe", "PCwin-Safe-J" and "PCwin-Safe-Plus" included in "PCwin-Safe2".
The versions of each programming tool are as follows:
- PCwin-Safe2 : V2.1R01
- PCwin-Safe : V3.2R01
- PCwin-Safe-J : V1.6R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus : V1.3R01
- PCwin-Safe-Nano : V1.1R01 |
Ver.2.0 Rev.02 |
=== PCwin-Safe2===
Upgrade from V2.0R01 to V2.0R02.
- The modification contents are as follows:
1. Supporting Windows10.
2. Adding the following message in Error Monitor.
“Please refer to the maintenance guidance for treatment method.”
=== PCwin-Safe ===
Upgrade from V3.1R01 to V3.2R01
- The modification contents are as follows:
1. Supporting Windows10.
2. Reviewing the process of “Modification Mark”.
3. Modifying the problem that it changes from B contact to A contact
when B contact is at turnaround point in the ladder circuit diagram.
=== PCwin-Safe-J ===
Upgrade from V1.5R02 to V1.6R02
- The modification contents are as follows:
1. Supporting Windows10.
2. Modifying the problem that function block is displayed as “UNDEF”.
3. Supporting Spanish comment input and print.
=== PCwin-Safe-Plus ===
Upgrade from V1.1R01 to V1.3R01
- The modification contents are as follows:
1. Changing from ”PIN code initialization” to “CPU Initialization”.
(“CPU Initialization” initializes not only PIN code but also programs and parameters.) |
Ver.2.0 Rev.01 |
Version up: V1.9R01->V2.0R01
1. There were some personal computers for which installation is impossible.
So the installer was changed.
This installer does not support Windows2000.
If you need the installer for Windows2000, we will correspond individually.
1. The parameter print was supported.
2. Error messages were improved.
1. The address allocation of Unit: OS1200 was modified.
*PCwin-Safe-Plus is contained only in PCwin-Safe2 (Japanese version/English version). |
Ver.1.9 Rev.01 |
Version up: V1.8R01->V1.9R01
1. PCwin-Safe2 supported Windows7 64bit.
2. Circuit conversion function of TOYOPUC-PCS/TOYOPUC-PCS-J->TOYOPUC-Plus-Safety was added.(Only Japanese version/English Version)
Version up: V2.9R01->V3.1R01
1. PCwin-Safe supported Windows7 64bit.
2. The function to associate and open a project file of PCwin-Safe is added.
1. When a file was saved in the state where the ladder program is closed, the problem which the application error occurred was corrected.
Version up: V1.4R02->V1.5R02
1. PCwin-Safe-J supported Windows7 64bit.
2. The function to associate and open a project file of PCwin-Safe-J is added.
3. The input of the 2nd comment in Function block editor was limited to less than 100 characters.
*PCwin-Safe-Plus is contained only in PCwin-Safe2(Japanese version/English version).
Version up: V1.0R02->V1.1R01
1. The input of the 2nd comment in Function block editor was limited to less than 100 characters.
2. The default value of an error category setup in input discrepancy was changed into " Alarm".
3. Error displays were improved.
1. When a block comment was inputted, the problem which the application error occurred was corrected.
2. The address computation of the operand 2 of an application command was corrected. |
Ver.1.8 Rev.01 |
Software upgrade from V1.7R02 to V1.8R01
Software upgrade from V1.0R01 to V1.0R02(Provisonal version)
(Modification of PCwin-Safe-Plus)
1. The fault from which B contact input by which a double setup was carried out changes to A contact was corrected.
There is no upgrade of programming tool PCwin-Safe and PCwin-Safe-J contained in PCwin-Safe2 by this version up.
The version of each programming tool is as follows.
- PCwin-Safe: V2.9R01
- PCwin-Safe-J: V1.4R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus: V1.0R02(Provisonal version)
It is not necessary to edit again the user program created with the provisional version or to rewrite it to CPU after the certification. |
Ver.1.7 Rev.02 |
Software upgrade from V1.6R01 to V1.7R02
1. A Programming tool PCwin-Safe-Plus for a board type safety PLC TOYOPUC-Plus Safety which was added to PCwin-Safe2.
There is no upgrade of programming tool PCwin-Safe and PCwin-Safe-J contained in PCwin-Safe2 by this version up.
The version of each programming tool is as follows.
- PCwin-Safe: V2.9R01
- PCwin-Safe-J: V1.4R02
- PCwin-Safe-Plus: V1.0R01 |
Ver.1.6 Rev.01 |
Software upgrade from V1.5R01 to V1.6R01
Bug correction:
1.When converting from Safe PLC Project to UniDraf intermediate file was implemented,
T register was displayed as a C register by UniDraf. The problem is corrected.
Software upgrade from V2.8R01 to V2.9R01
Functional improvement:
1.Library Capacity was extended to 12KW from 4KW.
(Note)When a library of 4kW or more is used, please use PCwin-Safe V 2.9R01 or after.
There is no necessity of a direct monitor software upgrade.
Bug correction:
1.When replace a function block in ladder circuits, the empty coil is also replaced. This problem is corrected.
Software upgrade from V1.3R02 to V1.4R02
Bug corrections:
1.When replace a function block in ladder circuits, the empty coil is also replaced. This problem is corrected.
2.In Windows7,the problem of not displayed comments is corrected.
3.The problem of garbled comment characters is corrected.
4.Depending on kinds of personal computer, the communication errors caused between PCwin-Safe-J and a personal computer. The countermeasure is done. |
Ver.1.5 Rev.01 |
Upgrade from V1.4R01 to V1.5R01
Functional improvement:
1.Maintenance guidance is applied to TOYOPUC-PCS-J and different languages.
Defect correction:
1.The contents of an error monitor were improved.
2.The communication setting modification was improved.
3.The error monitor time can be displayed.
4.The library, which had a problem at Unidraf conversion, can be opened.
5.At I/O Module composition check Step of program conversion (PCS->PCSJ), the lack I/O points are calculated, when a setting button was pushed
6.PDF files can be opend by Adobe Acrobat.
There is no programming tool change in this upgrade.
(PCwin-Safe2 is the integrated software)
Programming tool software
No change from V2.8R01
No change from V1.3R02 |
Ver.1.4 Rev.01 |
Upgrade from V1.3R01 to V1.4R01
Feature Improvements:
1. This version supports Windows7(32bit). However, Windows7(64bit)is not surpported.
2. Add the function which updates data by a package data with [Customize]-[Error Monitor]-[User Jump Setting].
Upgrade from V2.7R01 to V2.8R01
Feature Improvements:
1. This version supports Windows7(32bit). However, Windows7(64bit)is not surpported.
2. Improve the problem which a program with Function Brock is not downloaded to TOYOPUC-PCS by change of a time zone.
Upgrade from V1.2R04 to V1.3R02
Feature Improvements:
1. This version supports Windows7(32bit). However, Windows7(64bit)is not surpported.
2. Add the function which protects a Library data by a Sentinel Key.
3. Change the library import function. Only when Sentinel key is connected to PC, a user can execute library import function.
4. Add the function which can input the multilingual comment.
5. Change the I/O module setting. When a Safety module is set in 15th slot, an error message is displayed. |
Ver.1.3 Rev.01 |
Feature Improvements:
1. Option1 [Symbolic FBD] disc of PCwin-Safe was abolished.
2. The contents of “Error Monitor” in PCwin-Safe2 were improved.
3. The communication way of “Error Monitor” in PCwin-Safe2 was improved.
Bug corrections:
1.The Installer of PCwin-Safe2 was corrected so that PCwin-Safe2 could be installed
without being dependent on a font on English OS.
In this upgrade, there is no upgrade of PCwin-Safe and PCwin-Safe-J contained in PCwin-Safe2.
The version of PCwin-Safe and PCwin-Safe-J is as follows.
- PCwin-Safe: V2.7R02
- PCwin-Safe-J: V1.2R04 |
Ver.1.2 Rev.01 |
Upgrade from V1.1R01 to V1.2R01.
/*** Function improvements ***/
1. PCwin-Safe/PCwin-Safe-J can be started by one-click of the [Programming Tool]button.
2. At Error monitor function "jump to the user designated file", two files can be registered.
(The file displayed by jump to the user designated file will be switched by Japanese/English switching.)
3. Supporting the file conversion function (safety PLC <=> UNIDRAF).
4. The name of [Tool customize] Button is changed to [Customize] button.
Upgrade from V2.6R01 to V2.7R02
/*** Function improvements ***/
1. V Register and S register other than V080 and V04E can not be used as the coil.
2. If translation is implemented with the 2nd comment displayed, the confirmation message which replaces the 1st comment by the 2nd comment is displayed.
3. If a time zone is changed, translation conditions are relieved so that a translation may not implement for already translated files.
4. The error message when opening the file of PCwin-Safe-J accidentally is changed to the comprehensible phrase.
/*** Defect corrections ***/
1. SYS433 (Library Enabling Command) setting processing is reviewed.
2. When PCwin-Safe is forced to be closed during CPU Monitoring, the processing is reviewed,
3. When the registry broken, the setting processing in [Option]-[Customize] is reviewed,.
4. Processing is reviewed when Version information is displayed during CPU Monitoring.
5. Correction of [CPU]- [Compare with CPU]-[PSV] Function
Other 3 corrections |
Ver.1.1 Rev.01 |
Version up from V1.0R02 to V1.2R04
/*** Functional improvement ***/
1. The addition of the function which protects Function Blocks
The function was improved so that Function Blocks is protected.
2. The addition of the function which displays the inside of Function Blocks
While editing the ladder program, the function was improved so that the state of the S/U mark inside Function Block could be checked.
3. The addition of the function which checks a program during a library editor
The function was improved so that duplication of a coil and edge could be checked.
4. Strengthening of the function which checks library files
The function was improved so that the broken library file might not be opened by PCwin-Safe-J.
5. The improvement of program writing during program protection
The function has been improved so that a program can be written to TOYOPUC-PCS-J, when the program is protected.
/*** Problem modification ***/
1. When Function Block using Timer is used, the problem which displays S mark as a U mark accidentally was modified.
2. After the program was written in TOYOPUC-PCS-J. And when the power supply of TOYOPUC-PCS-J was turned OFF and ON, the problem which couldn’t communicate was modified.
3. The problem by which the 2nd language of Function Block is not written to TOYOPUC-PCS-J was modified.
4. The problem which can perform data backup at the time of “Read Only” was modified.
5. When “register compare” was executed, the problem as which the result compared before is also displayed was corrected.
6. When a jump was executed from a program check result and a program was corrected, the problem which a label error (No END instruction) occurred was corrected.
Two others |
Ver.1.0 Rev.02 |
Bug Fix :
1.Fixed the bug that keeps printing, when the check is inputted into "coil reference" at [Drawing Style Prints]-[circuit daiagram list]. |
Ver.2.5 Rev.01 |
1. Update by company name change |
Ver. 2.50 Rev.01 |
1. The display defect of the I/O parameter setting screen(English, Czech, French)
The comment of the I/O address wasn't displayed in the list of the I/O parameter setting screen.
2. The display defect of the OUT-IN relation line of FB(English, Czech, French)
The OUT-IN relation line of FB wasn't displayed in the circuit monitor. |
Ver.2.4 Rev.04 |
[Function addition]
1. Reduce object size of translator result
If you implement Logic Check & Translator after this version, the object size of translator result will be reduced.
2. Correspondence of ladder version indication
You can monitor the CRC values in PCwin-Safe and PCS by using the CRC value stored in the program + parameter file as a means of grasping the approved circuit.
3. Correspondence of line diagnosis
When a safety communication error occurs due to disconnection or the like, the abnormal part can be specified by the CPU error monitor.
4. Correspondence of U mark search
You can display a list of U mark blocks. Also, you can jump to the designated U mark block.
5. Responding to File Save Interruption
If the program check error occurs during file saving, file saving can be interrupted. |
Ver.2.3 Rev.11 |
Specification change (EN954-1 Category4 compatible/IEC61508 SIL3 compatible)
1. Edit FB library
(1) Use of aliases is prohibited in tag editing.
(2) BOOL type only. (However, spare area can also be BYTE)
(3) Only devices that can be used in Extern are S/V devices, and can be used only for contacts.
(4) Prohibited use of application instructions.
2. Main ladder editing
(1) Prohibited use of application instructions.
(2) Add U mark to signal mark. (For details, as explained in the control liaison meeting etc.)
(3) Remove the "Constants/Variables" tab from the ladder property screen.
(4) The B contact of the I device shall be marked "No S".
(5) The "U mark" block is a logic check execution block.
(6) Follow the module set in I/O module setting for I/Q identification method.
The address assigned to the input module is the I device and the address assigned to the output module is the Q device.
(7) The area (address) where the module is not mounted is prohibited from being used.
=> (6),(7),link parameter·I/O module·I/O parameter setting is required before ladder editing.
(8) When writing edited ladder to PCS main body, it is possible only when data of logic check·translate completion is saved in file by executing file saving. |
Ver.1.5 Rev.10 |
Specification change (EN954-1 Category3 compatible)
1. In the option setting, "Always set the address of the output type application instruction as the address to be checked for duplication" is always valid.
2. Make the number of allocated points of the real I/O module uneditable |