
Upgrade information

Release Date

V20.2R01 V4.4R02

- No change.

bug fix
- Problem solved where Edit I/O and Network Drawing would terminate incorrectly when a new symbol was added in Edit I/O and Network Drawing and the [Registration] button was pressed.



Input password(Serial number): toyopucviewer
This software(Serial number) is a free license.
Compatible with Windows 10/11 (Professional, Enterprise).

[Version up contents]
This software supported PCwinV20.2R01/PCwin2V4.4R01.


V20.2R01 V4.4R01

Functional improvement
- Improved to allow operation of the ladder screen while the comment edit screen is open.
- The “SOL valve(with gauge)” symbol in the I/O diagram edit has been modified to make it easier to see.

- The time required to open a file has been reduced by approximately 35%.

Fault correction
- The following problems have been solved: - Under certain conditions*1, the address could change when importing a ladder module.
*1: When an application instruction serial number of 8193 or higher is used in the import source module.

- Solved a problem that could cause the first operand of the MOVAD instruction to be converted to the wrong address when a batch change of application instruction operands was performed.
- In the PC10 extended mode project, a problem was solved in which the internal circuit could not be displayed correctly when monitoring the internal circuit of the FB.

- When automatic setting of link parameters from network diagram data was performed, the settings would not always be reflected correctly.
- Solved a problem in which the Safety data link setting would be enabled on the L2 port when performing detailed settings for EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety in the network diagram.
- Solved a problem in which the trigger address would be changed to P1-V004 when saving data after manually entering the event trigger address after opening data for which the collection method for cycle recorder settings was [Automatic setting].
- Solved a problem in which the initial display of the timer/counter setting values when opening the ladder property screen under certain conditions*2 was different from the setting values at the cursor position.
*2: When the “Language commonization of device names and device codes” option is set to ON and the “Comment language” is set to a language other than the first language.
- Solved a problem in which the serial number of the index register was sometimes reassigned with the used number when the ladder was copied and pasted.
- When the input mode switching of the ladder property screen is enabled, the problem that the discrimination could be wrong has been solved.
- Solved a problem in which PCwin2 would sometimes crash when displaying an instruction that handles floating point when the input mode switching of the ladder property screen is enabled.


V20.1R01 V4.3R02

- No change.

bug fix
- Resolved a problem in which the event trigger address was changed to P1-V004 when writing to the CPU or saving a file after opening data for which the collection method for the cycle recorder setting was [Automatic setting].


V20.1R01 V4.3R01

Functional improvement
- Improved so that help PDF files can be displayed even in environments where the Adobe Acrobat application is not installed.
- Viewer mode has been added. Even non-licensed users can view circuit data in Viewer mode.
 After purchasing a license, you can use the regular version by upgrading.
- The initial value of the [Ignore Out Double] setting for the FB program check at the first startup has been changed to OFF.
- A conversion menu has been added to use BUS-EXP when converting PCwin data to PCwin2.
- The time required to open project data and to write only the program to the CPU has been shortened by about 15%.
- A menu to display the Nano 10GX User's Manual has been added.
- Unused block comments are now deleted when a file is saved.
Bugs and Improvements
- The pop-up screen of the IO diagram editing application is no longer displayed outside the display area.
- When closing a project after opening a file and editing only the block comments, the confirmation screen for saving the
changed data was not displayed.
- When converting PCwin data to PCwin2, the FR register used in the event monitor was detected as an error.
- Solved a problem in which the project name contained “.” (dot). (dot) in the project name, the project name written to the CPU
would be partially broken.
- Problem solved where an error message “Get IN* Adds Error!” would appear when importing a module.
- When performing block matching, a variable with an ES address that did not exist in the circuit was displayed in the
input/output section of the FB block.
- Solved a problem in which the initial symbol selection when opening the ladder property screen under certain conditions*1 was
different from the symbol at the cursor position.
 *1: When “Language common use of device and label.” is ON and “Comment language is other than 1st language” in option
- Some addresses may be lost when sequence comments are optimized.
- Resolved a problem in which a warning message for loss of unconverted data was not displayed when setting up a link library
while unconverted circuit data existed.



Input password(Serial number): toyopucviewer
This software(Serial number) is a free license.
Compatible with Windows 10/11 (Professional, Enterprise).

[Version up contents]
This software supported PCwinV20.1R01/PCwin2V4.3R01.


V20.0R05 V4.2R01

Functional improvement
- The processing time for circuit copy and paste has been reduced.
- Support for offline monitor has been added.

Fault correction
- Fixed the phenomenon that the time chart monitor, register/I/O address monitor, and /I/O operation panel are displayed outside the display when the minimize button is pressed when the display zoom ratio is not 100%.

- Fixed the phenomenon that the lines displayed in the detailed information when saving to USB memory were shifted in the cycle recorder status monitor.
- Fixed the phenomenon that when a function operand comment is entered, the comment remains on the comment editing screen even if the function is deleted with UnDo.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the address in the search window changes to the previous address automatically.
- Fixed the phenomenon that when a comment in the own area is edited, the comment in other areas changes at the same time.
- Fixed an issue where the comment would change to the comment of the copied source when copying and pasting a coil with a
 program reference.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the FB library cannot be opened normally when a half-width space is included in the library path.
- In Nano10GX mode, an unnecessary warning message was displayed when writing a single comment. This has been fixed.
- In order to reduce the loading time of unnecessary data when opening data, we have modified the software to automatically delete
unnecessary data.
 If the screen is displayed, select OK to save the file.
 * Even if the data is not deleted, it will not affect the operation of the PLC.


V20.0R04 V4.1R02

Fault correction
- In the I/O drawing editing function, the phenomenon in which a circular arc is turned over has been corrected.
- Fixed a problem in which the ladder conversion function did not detect duplication in the extended address area (L1, L2, etc.).
- In the block matching function, the phenomenon in which a difference is displayed even when an edge address is excluded from the block matching has been corrected.
- The phenomenon in which comments could not be restored before editing was corrected by the “Undo” function when editing ladders.
- The phenomenon in which an error occurs in collation and automatic setting from the network diagram when the number of register link area words is 2049 or more in FL-net setting has been corrected.
- Fixed the issue where duplicate tags were detected in converted data.
- In the case of project data using index registers, the phenomenon in which duplicate tags are detected repeatedly has been corrected.
- When a block with block comments was copied and pasted between programs, the phenomenon in which block comments were not copied was corrected.
- The phenomenon in which comments are not displayed on the ladder immediately after importing comment files and modules has been corrected.
- When coils of common devices such as X/Y with comments already set were added, the phenomenon in which set comments disappeared was corrected.
- Fixed the issue where the IX comment was not reflected on the ladder when IX was set in the operand settings of a function.
- The phenomenon in which the operand comment of CALL/LABEL/JMP instruction is not displayed has been corrected.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the device name and device code in the second and third languages disappeared when editing comments with the multiple language comment display checked on the ladder property screen.
- Fixed the phenomenon that contact comments were also overwritten and copied when a BBMOV function was included in the copy range when copying and pasting between different PCwin2.
- Fixed the phenomenon that comments, device codes, and device names were copied when copying contacts of the same address with copy and paste between different PCwin2.


V20.0R03 V4.1R01

Functional improvement
- An automatic setting function has been added to address collection for cycle recorders.
- The cycle recorder data setting has been improved so that addresses can be specified for start trigger/event trigger instead
 of CH numbers.

Fault correction
- Fixed a phenomenon in which the final address of the transmission area was not displayed when
the communication method "Relay link N:N, Register link 1:N child station" of FL-net (32K) was used in the English display.

- The phenomenon in which the ladder of the FB internal circuit is not normally displayed has been corrected.
- When an error occurred during PLC writing, the data in the written PLC partially returned to the original state.
- The phenomenon in which circuit data is slow to open in some project data has been corrected.
- When a contact is added on the ladder, the phenomenon in which a different device code or comment is displayed
from the set address has been corrected.
- When a function was added, the comment of the operand might not be displayed on the ladder screen.
- After converting project data, the phenomenon in which the operation mode of the event monitor becomes empty was corrected.


V20.0R02 V4.0R03

- Fixed the phenomenon where PCwin was forced to close when importing a module.
- Fixed a phenomenon where saving and loading did not work properly with PC1 program and MX program.

Fault correction
- Fixed the phenomenon in which part of a subprogram disappears from the project view when the module numbers of the main program and subprogram are the same number.
- Fixed the phenomenon where block comments are not normally displayed when block comments are set for a block row with folding.
-Fixed the phenomenon in which the device and Label when an address is entered in the Contact Properties dialog box in comment 2 language or more.
- Fixed the phenomenon where a warning message was not displayed when converting Nano compatible data to Nano10GX.
- Fixed the phenomenon where using the arrow keys to move on the Block Compare screen would force the Block Compare screen to close.
- Fixed the phenomenon where module numbers were duplicated when copying and pasting modules.
- Fixed the phenomenon where the input fields for operands 1 to 3 may not be displayed when a Command is selected on the ladder editing screen.
- Fixed the phenomenon that prevented read/write operations from occurring when a Equipment Information memory shortage error occurred during writing to PC10PE.
- Modified to delete unnecessary tag information when loading data in Nano compatibility mode.
If unnecessary tag information exists, the dialog will be displayed. Please select OK to delete unnecessary tag information.
(Even if unnecessary tag information exists, it will not affect program operation.)
 *It may take up to 30 seconds to delete structured tag data.


V20.0R01 V4.0R02

There is no change.

Fault correction
- When you select to apply the function/property dialog,
Fixed an issue where the message "Module cannot be added because the maximum number of modules has been exceeded."
may be displayed.


V20.0R01 V4.0R01

Functional improvement
- Windows11(​Profession​al,​ Enterprise) is supported.
- With the Time Chart Monitor (supports several PLC) function,addresses and collected values can be output in the same column.
- The translation-support function supports the formatting of xlsx files.

- Batch display and setting of multiple language comments on the Properties dialog box are supported.
- Block comments were supported.
- Collection of time chart monitor in scan units has been extended to 6000 scans → 90,000 scans.
- When you open a project in Tag mode, a warning message is displayed indicating that it is not supported.
※When using Tag mode, download Ver3.10R01 from HP.

Fault correction
- Fixed a phenomenon that could not be changed to the address of EB3 device due to batch change.
- When the commentary language is Czech Republic, France, Russian Republic, and Spanish Council,we corrected the phenomena of abnormal termination when the function of the exponential display is CPU monitored.
- If the display language is English, fixed the phenomena that CT10 counting-mode display differs from the actual parameters.
- Fixed an event in which a PCwin/PCwin2 remains outside the main display area when used with the main display only(Extended Display Removed) after exiting with the extended display showing a PCwin/PCwin2.
- Fixed abnormal termination when FB output tag comments are long when FB output-side coil is selected during CPU monitoring by the following jump function, etc.
- In the project name check window when writing CPU, when the project name is long,characters are cut off and the project name cannot be confirmed,this has been corrected.
- Fixed a phenomenon in which when scrolling the rudder circuit with the arrow below the numeric keypad,the currently selected circuit may remain hidden even if it is at the bottom.
- Fixed a problem that prevented a normal jump in the case of a function address that performs a transfer
using the address jump function in the usage status.

- Fixed an issue that caused the message "Network diagram and PCwin link parameter settings to differ" to appear when saving data, even though there was no difference in network diagram and link parameters.

- Corrected the issue in which the tag name is displayed on the data link screen of the link parameter detailed setting screen of FL-net.
- When drawing a horizontal line by pressing F2 during ladder editing, we corrected the phenomena that the line may not be shifted horizontally automatically.


V19.13R01 V3.10R01

Functional improvement
 ・With the Time Chart Monitor (supports several PLC) function, the operability of the "Monitor Setting" window and "Time Chart Display"
has been improved.
 ・In SFC editing function, a checkbox was added so that module comments can easily be matched with action comments when creating
a new action.
 ・Added Nano10GX, PC10PE's system writer to allow CPU to be changed (upgraded) from PCwin2.
 ・When there are several errors when checking SFC program, the error is displayed all at once.
Fault correction
 ・ Fixed a phenomenon in which horizontal line display is always interrupted and displayed in a ladder program of a specific pattern.

・Fixed phenomena where P-addresses of edges placed on P2, P3 are not displayed.
・Fixed an issue in which coil comments of a timer/counter were not found by the comment search function.
 ・Fixed a phenomenon that caused PCwin2 to terminate forcibly if a transition is deleted after a ladder circuit is deleted when deleting
a SFC transition.


V19.12R01 V3.9R01

Functional improvement
・The upper limit of the event monitor has been extended from 64KB to 128KB.
・I/O diagram and networked diagram editing functions support EIP.
・The title bar of EIP connection setting window (individual setting) has been changed.
・EIP export function supports CSV (comma-separated) formats.
・A precautionary statement was added to the execution confirmation message for setting the present-value of IO module parameters.
・The notation of the title bar of EIP+CIP Safety connection setting window has been changed.
・Program-only writing is supported in Nano10GX.
・CPU unit "MPX1012J" manufactured by Yaskawa Electric is supported.
・Input mode switching is supported in the applied instruction property.
・The check box for general communication settings has been added to the "Ethernet (32 ports)" link settings, and the port number setting range has been enabled from "1 to 65534".
・The P address of the edge is displayed.(No editing required for automatic assignment)
・When EIP connections in the internal L1, L2 are set to 384, a warning message is displayed.
・When copying and pasting a subprogram, CALL S number is set to the same number.
・In the setting screen of Time Chart Monitor, the operation speed at extended address input has been
・The main cause estimation function and manual jumping function were added to CPU error monitor.
Fault correction
Corrected by the time chart monitor (multiple PLC supported) below
・Fixed a phenomenon in which collection may be stopped by the time chart monitor.
・For projects that include # in Time Chart Monitor, fix the phenomena that comments do not reflect.
・Fixed a phenomenon that the time display of the CSV file was rewound on the time chart monitor.
・Fixed a phenomenon that forced termination occurs when you change the comment on the SFC action setting screen and close it with [OK].
・Fixed a problem in which a message "No SFC is registered" might appear when writing during RUN.


V19.9R01 V3.6R01

There is no change.

Functional improvement
- Added symbols to the IEC symbol set.
- Restriction of node No. 160 to 167 has been released in FL-net setting.
- Improved to allow tab switching in cycle recorder settings when there is a configuration error.

Bug corrections
- Fixed the phenomenon in which SFC editing could not be moved, copied, or pasted normally in compatibility mode.
- When the cycle recorder setting is read in PCwin2, the phenomenon displayed when there is no setting data has been corrected.
- Fixed the phenomenon that two "." are added to the file name of the backup library when using the master library.
- Fixed a phenomenon in which the display and operation method differed from the conventional ones when batch-changing the applied instruction operand.
- Corrected the phenomenon that ladder circuits in different program areas are replaced by batch change of application instruction operands.
- When the change range is set to "Program *" and "Specified range" during batch conversion of I / O addresses, the pop-up of change completion is displayed, but the phenomenon that batch conversion is not performed has been corrected.
- When comments are set to "move" in "applied instruction operand" of batch change and batch change, the phenomenon in which comments of bits are deleted without moving was corrected.
- Fixed a problem that caused processing to be interrupted by an inappropriate error displayed during processing if the conversion area is too large during batch conversion of I/O addresses.
- When adding a module, it has been modified to display a comment in END as well as START.
- Fixed the phenomenon that prevented P1-D000 from jumping to the coils under use conditions.
- FRWR instruction supports indexing.
- Corrected so that the ladder circuit displays normally when the FB internal circuit is displayed by linking the FB of the master 2 format.
- Fixed the phenomenon where addresses disappeared when optimizing comments.


V19.9R01 V3.5R01

Functional improvement
- Added symbols to the IEC symbol set.

Functional improvement
- Label display is now supported.
- Export/import of device net link parameter (DLNK MASTER) is supported.
- Speeded up the processing of contact change I/O address changes.
(Processing speed improved by 90% or more).

Bug corrections
- Fixed the phenomenon that prevented a project opened in the master library from being saved.
- Fixed to stop conversion when there is no PEND instruction.


V19.8R02 V3.4R01

・There is no change.

Functional improvement
・Binary display/edit of register+I/O address monitor is supported
・New MP-module (MP-31J) is supported.
・I/O module conversion is supported.

Bug corrections
・Resolved the problem that unnecessary data is stored in the link parameter area when there is a
link parameter that does not support conversion during data conversion.
・Fixed an issue that caused PCwin2 to drop if the datapath was too long when saving project data.


V19.8R02 V3.3R01

Bug corrections
・The problem that cannot be started when the number of characters of the items displayed in the tree on the network monitor is too long has been solved.

Functional improvement
・Allow module numbers to be displayed (editing is not possible).
・Conversion of PCwin linking parameter "EtherNet/IP" is supported.
* Set the rack and slot numbers according to the parameter conversion rules described in "5.8. Convert Project" in PCwin2 Operation Manual (T-A65). After conversion, check the rack and slot numbers.

Bug corrections
・Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary device modules to be registered in the STT file.
・Fixed an issue that interrupted comments that were taken into table information in event monitor settings.
・Fixed an issue that caused the error "Exceeded the max value of tag list".
・Fixed an issue that prevented PCwin linking parameter "Plus EtherNet/IP" from converting normally.


V19.8R01 V3.2R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
・Connector and pin symbols (259 to 266) added to IEC symbol set.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・The upper limit for the number of PCwin2 modules has been extended from 129 to 897.

Bug corrections
・Fixed an issue that prevented the U-address from being set to the indirect setpoint of the timer (TMRH).


V19.7R01 V3.1R01

[ PCwin ]
There is no change.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・Function explanation is displayed when mnemonic is selected on the ladder circuit property screen.
・EtherNet/IP communication load factor is calculated in PCwin2.
For the load factor, refer to "9.10.3 I/O communication function" in the TOYOPUC-Nano (t-1000) or
TOYOPUC-Nano 10GX (t-1020) instruction manual.
・"A, B" displayed on the 2ET's port-setting has been changed to "L1,L2" indication.


V19.7R01 V3.0R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
・Added the ability to open PCwin manuals from the Help menu.
・A system version upgrade was performed.
PC10G-CPU V391
PC10P-DP V150
Plus CPU V311

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・ERR4C analysis function is supported.
・Added the ability to open PCwin2 manuals and replacement procedure manual from the Help menu.
・The notation of Safety data link setting has been changed.
・Measures were taken to reduce EtherCAT startup times.


V19.6R04 V2.9R01

[ PCwin ]
Bug corrections
・Changing the module number in the tree view changes the cursor position in the tree view and the display position is shifted.
・Fixed an issue that caused buttons such as "Export, Network Monitor" to be enabled in the communication module settings of the User Library tool.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・The processing time of "ladder conversion and project file saving" has been speeded up.
・In the link parameter settings of the link modules "EtherNet / IP" and "EtherNet / IP + CIP Safety", if a blank line is copied when editing the list setting, the default value is set.
・When the USB memory is not connected to Nano10GX, the status monitor function of the cycle recorder displays "USB memory not attached".
・Added a menu that allows only library programs to be written to the user library tool.

Bug corrections
・Fixed an issue that caused buttons such as "Export, Network Monitor" to be enabled in the communication
module settings of the User Library tool.
・Resolved the problem of editing a block line for a specific FB that says "Cannot edit this block because it is written by system."
・The number of address digits outputted by Unidraf is different from the number of address digits outputted by Unidraf of PCwin.
・Fixed an issue that prevented conversion by adding unwanted bars for specific OR circuit block rows.
・The problem that V78 can be set by the address setting of the cycle recorder has been solved.
・The Edit Cycle Monitor tool solved an issue that prevented the "Collection Data-Collection Method" from being edited.


V19.6R03 V2.8R01

[ PCwin ]
Bug corrections
・Fixed an issue where the cursor position on the tree view moved when the label number in the label command was changed.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・Import and export of intermediate files for Unidraf are now supported.
When reading an intermediate file for Unidraf, read the CPU operation mode as Nano 10GX (fixed).
You can export intermediate files for Unidraf in compatible or Nano 10GX operating modes for open projects.

Bug corrections
・Resolved an issue where deleting a module on the Tree View moved the cursor position on the Tree View.
・Fixed an issue that caused addresses to change when importing programs.
・Fixed an issue where automatically configuring FL-net link parameters from a network diagram would result in a different network address than the default.
・Fixed an issue where importing a comment file could cause the module's comments to disappear.
・Fixed an issue that the channel number in the trigger setting in the cycle recorder setting dialog was not displayed in full digits when displaying Chinese.
・Fixed an issue that caused link parameters to be set differently from the network diagram information when the link parameters were set automatically from the network diagram.
・Resolved an issue that prevented data from being read by specifying the reduced size of symbols when the ENI file of EtherCAT is read in the network diagram.


V19.6R02 V2.7R01

[ PCwin ]
Bug corrections
・Solved the problem that graphs etc. may not be printed when printing is executed in CycViewer.
・Solved the problem that when comparing circuit blocks, the circuit blocks containing the BBMOV instruction might be displayed as having a difference even though there was no difference.
・In the address search, the problem that the search result is not applicable when the search is performed while the cursor is on the contact point where the address to be searched is set has been solved.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・Added support for cycle recorder function.

Bug corrections
・Solved the problem that graphs etc. may not be printed when printing is executed in CycViewer.
・Solved the problem that when comparing circuit blocks, the circuit blocks containing the BBMOV instruction might be displayed as having a difference even though there was no difference.
・Solved the problem that Nano Safety could not be selected when setting the I / O module.
・Solved the problem that the comment may not be changed even though the address is changed when the I / O address is changed all at once.
・Solved the problem that slot number 8 or later cannot be set in the network drawing.
・Solved the problem that ENI files of 3Mbytes or more could not be read when reading ENI files for EtherCAT in the network drawing.
Note that ENI files of 3Mbytes or more can be used only on the built-in L1 port of Nano 10GX, and the maximum size of ENI files is 4Mbytes.


V19.6R01 V2.6R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
・AF1K operation mode has been added as a motion operation mode.
 Available in AF1-ML and Plus AF1-ML versions 2.40 or later.
Bug corrections
・In a Chinese environment, when "Option" is set for the slot No. in the link parameter setting, the slot No. error occurred.
・In the Network Monitor function (Integrated function with PCwin2), we resolved an issue that prevented the batch setting of connections from the settings menu.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・Now supports CSV output of time chart monitor.
・Added the Time Chart Monitor (Multiple PLC support) function.
・We now support Nano AM3.


V19.5R02 V2.5R03

[ PCwin ]
There is no change.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・When a program is written during RUN, if the SFC does not match between the data written in the PLC and the data to be written by PCwin2, writing is disabled.
 To write during RUN, the SFC data must match at least the existence of SFC.

Bug corrections
・Fixed an issue that caused the characters in the IO diagram to appear misaligned in the Chinese display environment or in the Chinese comment display.
・Fixed an issue that prevented PCwin2 from importing list settings for EtherNet/IP link module exported in PCwin.
・Fixed an issue that prevented SFC programs from being imported for projects in Nano 10GX operating mode.
・Fixed an issue that prevented the device name and label from loading when opening a compatible mode project.


V19.5R02 V2.5R02

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
・On the Time Chart Monitor (multiple PLC support), the default position when the address selection screen is started has been changed to improve operability.
・You can now start the network monitor independently and set the connection valid/ invalid at once.

Bug corrections
・We resolved an issue where editing and converting a ladder program while a project in PC3JG split mode is being read may cause a part of the ladder program to be deleted.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・Network monitor function has been added. (This function is integrated with PCwin.)
・Improved communication module setting preferences.
・Search and manual jump of applied command “BBCP”(Only Nano 10GX is supported) in function help.

Bug corrections
・Fixed an issue that caused PCwin2 to quit when saving project files if the file path to the destination was too long.
 If the file path is too long, you will not be able to save the file. Instead, a message indicating that the save destination has been changed will be displayed.
・A message indicating that the maximum number of modules has been exceeded is generated when individual writing to CPU of the program is performed, and a problem that writing may not be possible has been solved.


V19.4R02 V2.4R02

[ PCwin ]
Bug corrections
・Fixed a problem that the circuit jump operation from the usage status screen may jump to the wrong address in the case of EP, EK, EV, ET, EX, EM devices.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・Added support for Nano module for Module block diagram in I/O Drawing function.
・Communication monitor function now supports the linked module "EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety".
・In the link parameter settings of the link modules "EtherNet/IP" and "EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety", even if the connection setting is set to "Do not", detailed settings can be made.
・In the link Parameter setting of the link module "EtherNet/IP" and "EtherNet/IP+CIP Safety", "Address of output area of connection setup" was added to the option setting item.
Target module: Nano 10GX(Ver2.4 or later), Nano 2ET(Ver2.3 or later)

Bug corrections
・Fixed a problem that caused the link Parameter that was originally set to disappear when the cancel operation was executed when the link Parameter of EtherCAT was automatically set from Network Drawing.
・Fixed a problem that prevented SFC step comments from appearing when opening a project file.
・Fixed a problem that the defragment FB execution memory may not be completed normally with the circuit of program 2 or program 3 open.
・Fixed a problem that when the jump destination is outside the FB, the coil jump from the contact in the FB cannot jump to the corresponding coil.
・Fixed a problem that caused Block checking to show a block with no difference as a difference.


V19.4R01 V2.4R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
・The corrective action was added to the contents of various error messages that occur when writing to the CPU.
・Added the display of detailed error information for EtherNet/IP error 85,86.
・Improved the user interface in the Network monitor that was designated as a backup folder.

Bug corrections
・Fixed the phenomenon that caused PCwin to terminate forcibly during communication with the PLC, which could prevent communication with the PLC even if PCwin was turned Start again.
・Fixed the phenomenon that, in Cycle Monitor Editor Ver.3.0, when the data of Ver.2.2 or earlier is read, the comment is not displayed on the address setting screen.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
・The corrective action was added to the contents of various error messages that occur when writing to the CPU.
・The default operation mode for the first Start of PCwin2 has been changed to "Nano 10GX".
・Added a handling method and a breakdown of the number of modules to the error message that exceeds the maximum number of modules that occurs when converting PCwin data.

Bug corrections
・Fixed the phenomenon that caused PCwin2 to terminate forcibly during communication with the PLC, which could prevent communication with the PLC even if PCwin2 was turned Start again.
・Fixed the phenomenon that caused the "The operation mode of the CPU is different" message to be displayed when reading the CPU.
・Fixed the phenomenon that the address comment may not be displayed correctly on the Block Compare screen.
・Fixed the phenomenon that "Disable" is printed in the parameter print even if the address item of [EtherNet/IP]-[Option] is set.


V19.3R01 V2.3R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
- Nano 10GX is now supported in networked monitor.
- In the time chart monitor (compatible with multiple PLCs), the HEX display was added.
- The following support was added for the time chart monitor (supporting multiple PLCs).
a.If the backup Data does not exist, prompt you to back it up on the networked monitor
b.View the path of the project if a backup Data exists
- The usage display is fixed to 16 lines.
- The window size of the project window, ladder window, etc. has been optimized.
Bug corrections
- Fixed a problem that prevented module from being added when a number starting from S21 is set in the [LABEL] instruction operand of Subroutine programme.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
- Supports optimization of sequence comments (ADDRESS only).
- Displaying error details for EtherNet/IP errors 85 and 86 is now supported.
- The usage display is fixed to 16 lines.
- The window size of the project window, ladder window, etc. has been optimized.
Bug corrections
- Fixed a problem that prevented Contact tables from displaying ADDRESS assigned to Input Symbol in the I/O diagram.
- Fixed a problem that prevented the page feed toolbar from being displayed in the I/O diagram.
- Fixed a problem that prevented jumping from the output window displaying the error to the corresponding FB when an undefined library error occurred.
- Fixed a problem that caused the error message "The number of module exceeds 129. Please set it to 129 or less." to occur due to an irrelevant cause.
- Fix comma to be added internally when reading a comma-less comment file.
- Fixed a time-consuming event that caused Contact tables of the same device to appear when ADDRESS is used frequently on the same device.
- Fixed a problem that caused [Device Name] to Input more than seven characters on the ladder properties screen.
- Fixed a problem that caused [Device Code] to Input more than 10 characters on the ladder property screen.


V19.2R01 V2.2R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
- EtherNetIP communication configuration data is supported.
- The RPI and SIZE parameters can now be imported from the EDS file on the EtherNetIP communication setting screen.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
- Improved the time required to read from the CPU in which Nano 10 GX mode was written.
- Improved the time required for batch conversion.


V19.1R01 V2.1R01

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
1. Time chart monitor (Multiple PLC support) function has been implemented.
2. Cycle monitor tool has been supported sampling data acquired by Time chart monitor.
3. The display of the Communication module settings has been changed to the tree display for each hierarchy.
4. Export and import of Communication module settings has been supported.
5. The display of the Network monitor has been changed to match the Communication module settings.
Bug corrections
1. Fixed the phenomenon that forced termination occurs when the number of display digits of the floating point is set to 8 or more by “Option”-“Configuration”-“Operation1”, and the floating point operand of the application instruction is set to 0 on the ladder property screen.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that index address changed when index address with offset in function command of import source circuit during module/ladder import (e.g. IX4 +400h).
3. Fixed typographical errors in Chinese.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that the male and female connector symbols are reversed when the I/O drawing created with the JIC / TMS symbol is changed to the IEC symbol with the I/O drawing function.

[ PCwin2 ]
If you are using TOYOPUC-Nano 10GX ,please use PCwin2 Ver.2.1R01 or later.
Function improvement
If you are using TOYOPUC-Nano 10GX Ver.2.20 or later,
please use PCwin2 Ver.2.1R01 or later.
1. The capacity of programs 1 to 3 can be changed (60 to 120). (Nano10GX mode only)
2. The capacity of programs 1 to 3 can be added for a total of 60KW. (Nano10GX mode only)
3. Configuration data for EtherNetIP communication has been supported.
4. RPI and SIZE parameters can be imported from EDS files during EtherNetIP communication.
5. EtherNetIP communication monitor function has been implemented.
6. The input time and display time of the ladder property screen have been improved.

Bug corrections
1. Same as [Bug corrections] 1-3 of PCwin
2. Modified to automatically delete unnecessary information in TGL files.


V19.0R01 V2.0R02

[ PCwin2 ]
Bug corrections
- Fixed the phenomenon that the print was not performed correctly when printing the Circuit Diagram list, if the coil reference and the contact reference were included in the print contents.


V19.0R01 V2.0R01

Function improvement
- Added support for Chinese.
- Added a warning message on the link parameter screen to warn of the use of the disconnection register.
Bug corrections
- Fixed the phenomenon that the continuity line in the FB shifted when the circuit monitor of the FB where the input / output was not set was performed.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the index (IX *) of application instruction changes when importing LD or module.
- Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin was forcibly terminated when an index (IX *) was used in application instructions when importing UniDraf.
- Fixed the phenomenon that even if the specified save destination folder for module export is changed, it is saved in the specified folder first.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the data in the equipment information memory would be inconsistent if the "Write project" was checked and the individual data was written for a CPU with data in the equipment information memory exceeding 640KW.
- Fixed the phenomenon that when the operation mode was changed and the data was written without saving the data, the operation mode was written without being changed.
- Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin was forcibly terminated when error monitoring was performed when the following conditions were satisfied.
1)PCwin is displayed in English.
2)When the error displayed on the error monitor is Wednesday.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the EB address set in the BBMOV instruction changes to another address when importing UniDraf.
Function improvement
- Added TOYOPUC-Nano Safety support.
- Added support for Chinese.
- Added a warning message on the link parameter screen to warn of the use of the disconnection register.
Bug corrections
- Fixed the phenomenon that the continuity line in the FB shifted when the circuit monitor of the FB where the input / output was not set was performed.
- Fixed the phenomenon that Change All of addresses set for FB input / output was not changed normally.
- Fixeed the phenomenon that parameters could be written even if the operation mode was different.


V18.4R04 V1.8R05

[ PCwin ]
Function improvement
- Revised IO diagram symbol of IEC standard.
- Changed the display order of the event monitor parameter icons in the project window from name order to number order.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that multiple PCwins in the same PC cannot read the CPU at the same time.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quit when copying and pasting a circuit containing the following Function instruction with a constant of 9 digits or more.
(D=D, D<>D, D>=D, D>D, D<=D, D<D, DMOVR)
- Fixed the error that a value greater than 99 cannot be entered in the timer / counter property screen for operation mode PC1 in the Windows 10 environment.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the menu is enabled in the operation mode (PC2 mode) that does not support offline monitoring.

[ PCwin2 ]
Function improvement
- Changed the display order of the event monitor parameter icons in the project window from name order to number order.
- Improved the writing time when writing a project.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that multiple PCwins in the same PC cannot read the CPU at the same time.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quit when copying and pasting a circuit containing the following Function instruction with a constant of 9 digits or more.
(D=D, D<>D, D>=D, D>D, D<=D, D<D, DMOVR)
- Fixed the phenomenon that the event monitor cannot be read even if [CPU]-[Read from CPU]-[Event Monitor Setting] is performed after connecting PC10PE.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the transition block with the Delete comment on the LD circuit is not automatically deleted when [Conversion]-[SFC Conversion (Build)] is performed.


V18.4R02 V1.8R04

Function improvement
- Modified the error message displayed when starting "Edit IO and Network Drawing".
(Add driver installation guide)

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that the address becomes reference to other area when copying and pasting the edge in editing of the FB library under the following conditions..
Program capacity of FB library : PC10 Master 180 [KW]
- Fixed the phenomenon that the index serial number is duplicated when copying and pasting the Contact type application instruction using index.
- Fixed the phenomenon that the coil cross reference is not printed when printing the schematic under the following conditions.
CPU Mode:PC10、PC10 Extension、Plus Standard、Plus Extension
Device :X/Y、EX/EY、GX/GY

Function improvement
- Modified the error message displayed when starting "Edit IO and Network Drawing".
(Add driver installation guide)
- The conversion menu of PCwin project is always enabled.
- Made it possible to acquire CPU log information by "Backup" of CPU.
- Improved CPU write time. (The effect varies depending on the conditions such as PC performance and project size.)

Corrections of the following bugs
-When converting PCwin project, the conversion process was modified to include the transition circuit in the SFC module.


V18.3R02 V1.8R03

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that did not complete correctly in Network Monitor when loading a project during backup.
- Fixed the phenomenon that data type is registered as TIMER / COUNTER when "C" is input to the address of EB and U in the watch list screen (example: U00C0 etc.).

Function improvement
- The time required for ladder conversion has been reduced.
(The effect varies depending on the size of the ladder program and the amount of change.)

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that the comment of the unused address on the circuit disappears when converting project data from PCwin to PCwin2.


V18.3R01 V1.8R02

 Function improvement
- Added the export function of device-specific comparison result to the block comparison function.
- Added import/export function with CSV file to time chart monitor function.
- The translation support function (Japanese version only)supports Windows 7/10 64bit.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that SFC does not operate if a specific address is set to the step diagnosis setting value and step elapsed time in the SFC circuit.
- Fixed the phenomenon that comments are not reflected correctly in comment editing when [Option]-[Enter address followed by a comment] is checked.
- Fixed the phenomenon that an error is displayed when kanji is inserted in operand 1 and operand 2 of application instruction JIS in PC10 standard mode and "Apply" is clicked.
- Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin being forcibly shut-down when copying and pasting a circuit containing a JIS instruction.

 Function improvement
- The translation support function (Japanese version only)supports Windows 7/10 64bit.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that SFC does not operate if a specific address is set to the step diagnosis setting value and step elapsed time in the SFC circuit.


V18.2R01 V1.8R01

Function improvement
- A communication retry function has been added at Reset/Start in layered communications.
- Reviewed the procedure of system write function and added the write condition.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin is forced shut-down when performing batch change of I/O address on Windows 10.

Function improvement
- A communication retry function has been added at Reset/Start in layered communications.
- The EDS file import function has been added to EtherNet/IP settings.

Corrections of the following bugs
- Fixed the phenomenon that a line break is not made when printing "Print"-"Comment list".
- Fixed the phenomenon that the bookmark disappears when the coil can not be found by the search to "coil position" during monitoring.


V18.1R07 V1.7R06

Function improvement
・Improvement so that different number can be set for backup port of network monitor.

Corrections of the following bugs
・Fixed the phenomenon that module name can not be saved when saving data using "S" or "AC" as the initial letter of module name.
・Fixed the phenomenon in which all circuits that were after the END instruction after the addition of PEND disappeared after checking the "Add PEND" of the LD program check in the project without the specific mode*1 PEND.
*1:PC10 mode, PC10 Extension mode, Plus Standard mode, Plus Extension mode
・Fixed the phenomenon that when importing a project file with library into program 3, it caused an error.
・The content of Plus was added to the message of error code 47 of error monitor.

Function improvement
・Module import function added.
・LD program import function added.


V18.1R06 V1.7R05

When copying and pasting the target function in a specific operation mode, the phenomenon that the pasting function becomes UNDEF (can not paste normally) or PCwin is forcibly terminated has been corrected.
This phenomenon occurs only with PCwin Ver. 18.1 R 05.

Note) Behavior changes depending on the memory state of the PC when PCwin is executing.

*1 <Operation mode>
 PC10
 PC10 extension
 Plus standard
 Plus extension

*2 <Target function>

There is no change.


V18.1R05 V1.7R05

1. Fixed the phenomenon that the offline monitor and the CPU monitor terminated when closing the FB internal monitor.
2. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin is forcibly terminated when copying and pasting FB having the constant / variable input in the first column in PC 10 mode.
3. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin is forcibly terminated when copying and pasting a step in which completion memory was set by SFC.

1. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin2 is forcibly terminated when reading from CPU when tag is not registered in program 3.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that address of pasted Ladder disappears when copying and pasting a Ladder displayed outside the module.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that address of part of circuit disappears when importing SFC program.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that projects saved by all backup of DM cannot be opened when individual program writing and project writing.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that when parameter binary is compared, EtherNet / IP parameters of PCwin2 are rewritten to PLC data.


V18.1R04 V1.7R04


Function improvement:

1. The I/O drawing page designation tool bar was revised to be placed in the margin part of the first line.

Corrections of the following bugs:

1. Fixed the phenomenon that action program names are not displayed in the tree view when creating another action program in the action program.

2. When creating an SFC module, we have abolished the transition module.

3. Fixed the phenomenon in which PCwin2 tool bars are vertically aligned when updating the I/O drawing.

4. Fixed the phenomenon that redisplays the module configuration list window when switching pages of the I/O drawing.


V18.1R04 V1.7R03

Function improvement:
1. An import function of Screen Helper Fault Comment Files has been added.
2. An I/O diagram network symbol (PC3JX/PC3JX-D) has been added.
3. The link parameter setup detail screen of Ethernet/IP, Plus Ethernet/IP has been revised.
・An address scope display has been added.
・An output function for duplicate address lists has been added.
Corrections of the following bugs:
1. The issue of PCwin being forcibly shut-down when a subroutine was copied into Program 3 of Separate 1 has been corrected.
2. The issue of the comments not changing in the tree view when the language was changed from the tool bar has been corrected.
3. The issue of the normal value not being displayed on the offline monitor has been corrected.
4. The issue of the EtherCAT slave icon not being displayed has been corrected.
5. The issue of the address display scope not being able to be operated with the cursor on the register / I/O monitor has been corrected.
<Watch monitor>
1. The issue of being unable to monitor when setting either GX/GY, GM, EB, GZ, GS, GF or U has been corrected.
2. The issue of only symbols being displayed on the LD when jumping to a coil has been corrected.
3. The issue of the expanded address comment not being displayed has been corrected.
1. The issue of the sentinel not being recognized the in Windows 10 environment has been corrected.

Function improvement:
1. A compatible mode has been added to the default CPU mode.
Corrections of the following bugs:
1. A correction has been made to enable copy & paste of LDs and modules between multiple PCwin2 systems.
2. There was an issue of the cursor on the ladder window not operating simultaneously with that of the project window. This has been corrected.
3. The issue of the background color not disappearing when jumping to a program has been corrected.
4. The issue of the maximized ladder window being reduced after converting or saving has been corrected.
5. The issue of the position of the project window (tree) cursor moving when saving or writing is performed has been corrected.
6. A correction has been made to display the EtherCAT slave icon.
7. There was an issue of the SYS command comment not being updated when changing the master library and opening a project. This has been corrected.
8. The issue of not returning to the original contact even when performing a chase search during monitoring has been corrected.
9. The issue of the bookmark disappearing during monitoring has been corrected.
10. The issue of the scroll bar disappearing in the project view has been corrected.
11. The issue of an error being displayed when changing the master library has been corrected.
12. The issue of PCwin dropping out occasionally when an SFC module was deleted has been corrected.
<Write to CPU>
1. The issue with the project name changing when writing to CPU has been corrected.
2. There was an issue of comments not being written when performing individual writing operations consecutively. This has been corrected.
1. The issue of the sentinel not being recognized the in Windows 10 environment has been corrected.


V18.1R02 V1.7R01

Corrections of the following bugs:

Fixed a phenomenon in PCwin 2 before Ver.1.6R02 that data written to CPU could not be read from CPU at Ver.1.6R03.

Customers installing PCwin2 Ver.1.6R03 should upgrade to version 1.7R01.


V18.1R02 V1.6R02

Function improvement:
1. It corresponds to the network monitor function.
2. It corresponds to the watch monitor function.
3. Improvement of program division function (subroutine, label visualization).
4. It corresponds to the offline monitor function.

1. The conversion function from PCwin to PCwin2 supports MM3.

Corrections of the following bugs:

1. Fixed the effective range of "Unconnected detecting Enable" check box on IO diagram edit symbol data input screen.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that feed rate value can only be entered by one digit on the pulse output detail setting screen.

1. Fixed the phenomenon that pasting results become only symbols when pasting a circuit on a submodule.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that comments disappear when jumping from the step screen of SFC to a contact of a EK device.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that the variable names rarely disappear when performing ladder conversion after inputting the variable name to the symbol.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that forced ON/OFF can’t rarely be done.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that the focus rarely jumps to an incorrect position with the function to jump to "coil position".



There is no change.



Function improvement:
1. It supports Windows 10. (Windws2000/XP/Vista/7 → Windows7/10)
2. Unidraf 4, Unidraf SFC's write / read function is nullified.
3. It supports to PROFINET.
4. Changed to permit output address overlap of EtherNet / IP.

Corrections of the following bugs:
1. Fixed the phenomenon that the beginning of the circuit is displayed when copying & pasting the ladder.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when block checking is done.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when opening the contact table.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when I/O address collective change setting is done.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that the application force-quits when repeating drag & drop on SFC process screen.


V17.8R01 V1.6R02

There is no change.

Function improvement:
1. The conversion function from PCwin to PCwin2 supports MM3.

Corrections of the following bugs:
1. Fixed the phenomenon that pasting results become only symbols when pasting a circuit on a submodule.
2. Fixed the phenomenon that comments disappear when jumping from the step screen of SFC to a contact of a EK device.
3. Fixed the phenomenon that the variable names rarely disappear when performing ladder conversion after inputting the variable name to the symbol.
4. Fixed the phenomenon that forced ON/OFF can’t rarely be done.
5. Fixed the phenomenon that the focus rarely jumps to an incorrect position with the function to jump to "coil position".


V17.8R01 V1.6R01

Function improvement:
1. It corresponds to Ethernet/IP setting support function.
2. It corresponds to NanoMM3 module(PC10G MCML equivalent).
(Release of module: scheduled for April 2018)
3. It corresponds to 10BS slot base for TOYOPUC-Nano. (Release of module: scheduled for April 2018)
4. It is now possible to display the communication interval for Ethernet/IP.
5. It corresponded to the high speed of Ladder circuit copy & paste.

Corrections of the following bugs:

1. Fixed a phenomenon in which the comment of the address set in the first operand of the index instruction is not displayed.
2. Fixed a phenomenon in which the OR_STR command was not displayed correctly when converting.
3. Fixed a phenomenon in which In Plus Expansion & PC 10 mode, when converting a circuit using address X only at contacts, the operand address X of the function instruction is displayed as Y.
4. Fixed the message to be displayed when converting addresses at once.
5. Fixed the message to be displayed when changing the value from the individual setting by EtherNetIP link parameter setting.



It is the same version as Japanese version PCwin Ver.17.8R01.

Function improvement:

1. Fixed the file open time and ladder conversion time to be shortened.
2. PC3JX has been supported.
3. Plus BUS-EX has been supported.
4. EtherCAT link parameters has been supported.
5. I/O328G parameters has been supported.
6. Added printing function to the block comparison function
7. EF10 has been supported.
8. EtherNet / IP now supports general-purpose TCP.
(There are restrictions on the version, and the port at PLC.)

Note) It is PCwin only installer, PCwin 2 is not included.


V17.7R1 V1.5R04

Function improvement:
· Fixed the file open time and ladder conversion time to be shortened.


V17.7R1 V1.5R03

Function improvement:

· The output modules O - 2A and O - 2 B can be selected according to the setting of the I / O module.


V17.7R1 V1.5R02

Function improvement:
・In the register · I / O address monitor screen, information on the selected CPU is displayed next time that register · I / O monitor screen is activated.
・OPC-UA can be selected from link parameters.
・By writing in RUN, the write confirmation screen is displayed before program check.

Corrections of the following bugs:
・in which "untagged" error is displayed when executing program conversion with single precision instruction function on circuit, has been corrected.


V17.7R1 V1.4R02

PCwin :V17.7R01


V17.7R1 V1.4R01

Addition of the functions:
・Add symbol(No.290,291)
Corrections of the following bugs:
・The phenomenon, device symbol , equipment name and address comment were indicated different data ,has been corrected.
Conditions :When property screen is opened in many times.

Function improvement:
・If you are using ,please use PCwin2 Ver.1.4R01 or later.
・Processing time to begin to put FB execution memory territory in order was reduced.
・It corresponed to Nano(Version2.00~)
・Error property wasn’t front indication when no error/waring at circuit transformation.
・It brock check function, changed the logic from module number to module name.


V17.4R1 V1.3R1

PCwin :V17.4R1


V17.4R1 V1.2R13

Addition of the functions:

- The comment on the ladder property screen can be edited in three languages simultaneously.
- Device names and label symbols of the first language on the ladder property screen can now be common to other languages.
- It supports universal TCP in EtherNet / IP.
(* Target operation mode: PC10 mode, Plus standard / extended mode)

Corrections of the following bugs:

■Target operation mode: PC 10 compatible mode, Nano mode
- Fixed the phenomenon that EIP setting file (.pe 2) is converted to BUS-EX setting file (. Pex) when backing up and saving data from CPU in Ver.1.2R10, Ver.1.2R11.
- Fixed the phenomenon that module comment was not displayed in block compare program.
- Fixed the phenomenon that errors rarely occur when an ST program edited offline is written to the CPU.

Function improvement:

- Improved the link parameter setting so that the details of setting is retained when the slot No. of the link parameter is changed.


V17.3R3 V1.2R11

PCwin PCwin2(JPN/ENG)V17.3R03 V1.2R11


V17.3R3 V1.2R10

PCwin PCwin2(JPN/ENG)V17.3R03 V1.2R10


V17.3R3 V1.2R9

Corrections of the following bugs:
■Target CPU operation mode: Nano mode
・The phenomenon, files in drive C may be lost when edited data is saved, has been corrected.
Conditions : When Function Block is used and conversion error occurs in CPU 2 or CPU 3.


V17.3R3 V1.2R8



V17.3R3 V1.2R5



V17.3R3 V1.2R4

Function improvements:

・CPU mode of event monitor is also changed to compatible mode when PCwin data is converted.
・We added Packet alive Time (UDP multicast) setting to EtherNet / IP link parameter.
・The write time of the circuit was shortened.

Corrections of the following bugs:
・Fixed a phenomenon in which project view was not displayed correctly when trying to open PCwin2 data without terminating PCwin2 after incorrectly opening PCwin data on PCwin2.

・Fixed a phenomenon in which only window title may be displayed in ladder view display when opening data with PCwin2.

・Fixed a phenomenon that the cursor on the ladder view moves to the beginning of the circuit after writing the circuit.

・Fixed a phenomenon that the function serial number may be duplicated when PCwin data with FB is converted.

・Fixed a phenomenon that MAJOR ERROR (Error code “23”) occurred when writing project data created with PCwin2 version older than V1.2R03 to CPU at V1.2R03.

・Fixed the phenomenon that PCwin2 freezes when saving circuit using FB free library in Nano mode.


V17.3R3 V1.2R3




