Upgrade information
ITwin5 Ver.5.3R01 for Windows2000/XP/Vista/7
Release Date:12.13
Upgrade Program's
- ITwin5 Japanease (CD: TJA-6383) Licenses 5 (CD: TJA-6385)
ITwin5 English (CD: TJA-6384) Licenses 5 (CD: TJA-6386)
Upgrade information
- Feature Improvements:
1. Windows Vista/7 Support
Other than Windows2000 / XP, WindowsVista and Windows7 32bit / 64-bit suports are added.
Bug corrections:
1. At PC drive or folder setting, if "For fast searching, allow Indexing Service to index this folder” is invalid by property setting, parameter data or other data cannot be transmitted.
This problem has been fixed.